Our first date since.. P2

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Alastors POV:
The deer heard footsteps coming down the stairs, he turned his head, seeing his beautiful darling at the last step of the stairs. His dress tight against his curves. His hair slightly wavy.

He looked breathtaking.

Angel walked towards Alastor, seeming shy. "Uhm, does dis' dress look good on me? I- I can change outta' it if it ain't ta' ya likin'." He stammered, clearly nervous about what Alastor thought of the dress.
"My love, you look absolutely stunning. Why are you asking this?" Alastor asked, holding his beaus hand and kissing his knuckles through the gloves he wore.
"Uhm.." The spider murmured, fidgeting with his other hand. "No reason."

Oh. Valentino. Alastor thought with a small urge to make him suffer. "Shall we get going?" The Radio Demon asked, holding his hand out for his beau to take.
Angel smiled a little and held his boyfriends hand, "Okay."

The couple walked for a few blocks until they reached a restaurant.

Miara's Jazz Club.

"Miara' Jazz Club?" Angel softly asked, "They opened a jazz club not too long ago, I'd figured we try and have a look at it." Alastor replied with a soft smile.
Angel let out a quiet 'okay' as they walked inside of the building. Jazz music played loudly while people were either taking seats or waiting for seats.
Angel's POV:
"Alastor! My old friend! How are you?" A girl with dark, curly ginger hair asked, her green eyes shining in the light. Her tiger tail swishing lightly between her legs while her ears twitched, following every sound they heard.

She was gorgeous.

Angel backed away a little, standing behind Alastor but still keeping their fingers intertwined. Clearly a tad jealous of the girls beauty.

"Haha! Things have been pleasant, my dear Miara! How have you been?"

"Things have been swell..." Angel stopped paying attention to the conversation, his eyes exploring the club.

A Jazz band on stage, playing their music.

Tables and tables spread around the entire club with fancy decorations on the walls and tablecloth.

Angel felt like an absolute fraud.

His attention was brought back to the conversation when Alastor said; "I made a reservation yesterday under the name LeBlanc."

"Oh, yes! I gave you the VIP table, this way." Alastor and Angel followed Miara to the VIP lounge.

"Oh, sorry. Alastor made a reservation for him and his date. Not you, sorry." Miara said, stopping Angel from walking into the lounge. "Uhm.. I'm his date." Angel muttered, looking at Alastor.

"Really, Alastor? You could have done-"

"I am not pleased with your tone. Apologize to Angel or I might do something I'll most definitely regret."

"You'd threaten your own friend like that? Just for the porn star?"

"Ex-porn star. And Angel means much more to me then one friend."

While the two argued, Angel felt true guilt. "Al- we don't need ta'-"

"No, Angel. I do not like it when someone disrespects you because of your past profession." Miara groaned, "Fine. I'm sorry."
"It's fine, I guess." And with that, Angel joined Alastor in the VIP lounge.

"She's real pretty for someone who's an asshole." The spider mumbled, sitting on the couch while Alastor poured two glasses of champagne. "She may be pretty, but you.. you are breathtakingly beautiful."
Angel felt his cheeks heat up slightly. "Oh, hush." He took one glass from Alastor with a small smile.

"Lets try not to get drunk this time, yes?"

Angel giggled at the memory. "Yeah, let's not."

The waiter came in the lounge, holding a notepad and menus. "We have cannibal meals, vegan meals, and much more! Please take your time and ring the bell to your left when you are ready to order." The waiter informed with a kind smile.

"Thank ya." Angel took the menus and handed one to Alastor. "Oh! I am a big fan of your dance tutorials! May I have a photo?"

The arachnid smiled and nodded, he was glad to know that some fans of his cared about him instead of just his body. The waiter took his phone out and snapped a picture, "You are on a date with the Radio Demon?" He asked, smiling.

"Yes. He is." Alastor held onto Angel's hand and kissed it, "Would you allow me to have a photo with you too? I admire your murder techniques! Strangling victims and chopping off unimportant limbs so they can watch you kill them brutally! Ten out of ten!"

"Haha! Of course, my dear!" Alastor replied with a large smile, again, the waiter snapped a photo and smiled giddily.

"Whats your name, kid?" Angel asked. "Mochi. I go by all pronouns."

"It's hard to get the big, bad Radio Demon to like someone around your age, how old are ya?"

"I'm fourteen."

"Al, can we keep them?"

"Pardon me, what?"

"Can we keep them?"

Mochi smiled and laughed, "What of his parents? Won't they worry of their child?"

"I don't have any. I ran away. My parents are homophobic assholes."

"Oh, same." Angel said casually, "Angel, we aren't even married- or engaged."

"But technically, counting our human years, we've dating for eighty years. Eighty-two if you count the years in hell before Valentino took me."

"You have a point."

"Please!? Can we please keep him? She's so cute, just look at them!" Angel turned Alastors head to look at Mochi properly.

Their small doe ears twitched as his tail curled around her leg nervously. "Their even a doe demon! Sorta."

"I'm a mix of a doe and a deer demon."

"Please, Al?"

"It is up to Mochi. But please, Angel. Let us continue our date."

Mochi bowed their head in embarrassment, "I am so sorry for keeping you waiting!"

"It's perfectly fine, Mochi!" Angel replied,

"So! What would you like to order?"

"Chicken Alfredo with broccoli on the side, please. And add a margaritas for my drink."

"And you?"

"Vension and deer blood as my drink, thank you."

Mochi wrote the orders down, smiled at the couple, and said; "Id your both okay with it, I'll gladly let you guys keep me. Miara's a bitc-"

"Mochi, get to work!" Miara yelled, "Yes ma'am.." They groaned but left.

"So.. can we keep them?" Angel asked, looking at Alastor. "Will it make you happy?" Angel nodded, "I will think about it."

You all decide in the comments if Alastor and Angel adopt Mochi!

Mochi is not an OC of mine, it belongs to my friend Akira. Mochi goes by all pronouns and is a half doe half deer demon. They mainly prefer they/them pronouns but will allow others to say she or he.

Mochi's parents were extremely religious and homophobic, so when they came out to their parents, they were heavily abused so they ran away.
They died in a car accident.

Mochi has a few abilities that will be shown later on in the chapters if they are chosen to be adopted!

Stay tuned for more!

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