Pregnancy Is A Pain In The Ass

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Alastors POV:

Two Months Later..

"Mmh.." The deer groaned as he woke up, holding Angel close to his body. He looked down at the small baby bump beginning to grow on the spider and his eyes lit up with excitement.

I'm gonna be a father.
I'll be a better father then mine ever was.
I will be there for Angel and my child!

He kissed the baby bump, gently rubbing it and keeping his Angel warm as he slept.
Angel's POV
Angel cracked an eye open to see Alastor worshipping the bump on his stomach. "Good morning.." The spider yawned, stretching his arms and sitting up.
"Good morning to you as well, Angel my love." Alastor kissed the bump once more before kissing the arachnid. "Ain't even born yet and the baby's already getting all the love from their papa."

"I'm going to spoil this child as much as I spoil you."

Angel chuckled, "Then you'll have two spoiled brats to deal with." Alastor smiled, "I won't mind."

They shared another kiss.

Alastor took his darlings hand and placed it on the bump along with his own hand. "So.. did Berry do anything?"

"To help you with your pregnancy, did he help?"

"A lot, yeah. He kept asking if I had any cravings, if I needed any water, the normal shit, y'know?" "Did, uh, he kiss you? Or anything?"

"Nah, I don't think so."

Alastor nodded and replaced his hand with his head on the baby bump, "I cannot wait to start spoiling this baby." The deer sighed happily. "I can't wait for Mochi to meet the baby."

"What do you mean? Your due date is in nine months?" Angel looked at Alastor, "Hon, spider demons carry babies for seven or six months. And it's been, what? Two or three months? That's why my stomach is bigger then it should be, because I'm almost due."

Alastor sat up and nodded, "And why wasn't I informed of this?"

"I assumed you knew.. I'm sorry, Al." Angel started to fidget with his hands, rubbing them together nervously. "It's okay, Dear. No need to be sorry. But I have wondered, why do you always do that that your hands?"
"Do what?"

"Rub them together like that."

"It's just something I do when I'm nervous I guess. Maybe when I'm scared too. Or just bored and wanting to move."

Alastor kissed his darling's hand and held it gently, "Well, how are you feeling?"


"As always now that you are pregnant. But anything else?"

"And in pain."
Alastors POV:
Alastor sighed with a small smile and began to massage his boyfriend. "Hon, you don't need to do this for me because I'm in pain, I'll be fine."
"Nonsense. I promised I'd make it up to you and I will. I also cannot stand seeing you pained." He kissed Angel's head and continued massaging him.

"Mmh.. Your gonna make me fall asleep again.."

"Honestly? I wouldn't complain about that. You need it."

"I slept last night."

"For two hours. Then you went on your phone and watched Jamie's Drag Race."

"I wanted to know who won! I still don't know because you took my phone."

"I'll give it back when you rest." And Alastor resumed his massaging until his beau finally fell asleep.

I promise, mon amour.. I'll be a better father then mine or yours. I'll be a better boyfriend too.

Alastor kissed Angel gently before he tucked him in and got off of the bed. I must make the others breakfast. They'd burn the kitchen down without me or Angel. He looked at his sleeping boyfriend one last time before quietly leaving and closing the door.

A/N (TW: Struggling to eat, I'm sorry.)
Apologies for the short chapter. It's 3:XX and I'm burned out. No motivation and stuff like that. I've been struggling with eating lately and have tried to explain to my mother about it. She told me it was because of my damn phone🥲
I've been really unmotivated lately and all I have been doing is laying on my bed, thinking hard about what to do for the next chapter.

I was just going along with this one. I'm so sorry to those who wanted an exciting or longer chapter. I am unfortunately unable to deliver that. Chapters will be coming out. Just very, very late. Again, I'm so sorry I can't give most of you what you want. I decided to put some fluff in this chapter.

But I'm planning the next one to be angsty or just a bit sad. So good luck my fellow readers. Good luck with the angsty shit I'll put since I love making people cry


Stay tuned.

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