Meeting The Knights

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I'm sitting at the table by myself while the girls are elsewhere; the bathroom, dance floor or at the bar. My head is bopping along to the beat of the music and singing to the words. From the peripheral of my eye, I notice a tall figure glancing over towards me.

This is me

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This is me.
I take a sip of my drink; nervously. Where are the girls, I look like a right loser and loner sitting here by myself?! The tall figure is walking towards my way; just when I think he's aiming for something else, I catch him gazing at me. "Hi, thought I'd come and say hi to you." He says; confidently. "Hey to you too." I respond; gingerly. "I'm Jordan, what's your name?" He sticks his hand out for me to shake so I follow suit. The connection I feel when my hand touches his, my eyes lock into his deep dark brown pair is like no other.

"I'm Keli Anne

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"I'm Keli Anne. I'm actually not alone despite none of my friends are currently sitting here with me, making me feel like a loner or a loser or both." I gasp when he smiles, damn he's so gorgeous. "Friends huh?! I'm sure you're not either a loser or a loner, babe." Looking closely; I notice his dimple when he smiles, cute. "Thanks, Jordan. So, where are your friends at?" He points to a table in the far corner where I spot a few guys talking to each other and drinking. "They sent me over to talk to you cos they knew that I was attracted to you from the moment I saw you coming into this place and knew I wouldn't shut up if I didn't say hi at least." To say I'm shocked is an understatement, this gorgeous man is attracted to me, me of all people in here, he likes me?! "Have you got some beer goggles on or something?" I ask him causing him to laugh. "Definitely not! I think you're stunning and that outfit is a killer, very eye-catching." I look down at my outfit, it is a little bit revealing but I still feel he's maybe playing me here. "You could have any pick of a girl here yet you're talking to me." He looks a little not offended but taken aback slightly. I watch as he pulls a chair up next to me. "Babe, tell me if I'm off the mark here... do you think I wouldn't think you're hot just because you're in a wheelchair?" I mumble until I get my words out properly, "yes. I do." I watch as he frowns. "Keli, yes you're in a wheelchair but you're a human being and a gorgeous woman at that. I'm not like most guys, sweetheart." I find myself smiling at his response. "Thank you. I appreciate you saying that, Jordan." We lock eyes. It feels like there's no one else here, just me and him. "Are you having a good time tonight so far?" Jordan asks. "It's been okay. How about your night?" I return the question. "I'm hoping it can only get better from here on out. Maybe we can help each other enjoy the night better?" I grab my drink and hold it to clink it with his drink, "let's do that!" And that's what we do, clink our drinks, he sneaks a cheeky kiss on my cheek. I blush. "You're real cute when you blush, Keli Anne." I smile, shyly at him.
My friends eventually come back to the table with a few other people. Some of whom I know and some I don't. I jump in my seat when my best friend' Katie leans right into my ear, "who's this hottie?!?" She tries to whisper but it comes out louder than she expected. I laugh because she's getting quite tipsy. "This is Jordan." I gesture towards him. "This is Katie." And she goes to shake his hand, "I'm also her best friend. Mess with her, ya mess with me!" I observe the exchange between them both. She's now leaning across me to talk with Jordan. I wouldn't mind but her bust is right in my face and it's blocking my view of the handsome man. "Do you mind if I take Keli Anne for a moment on our own?" I hear Jordan being polite by asking Katie and finally, she steps back. I take a deep breath and my face suddenly feeling warm. The next minute, Jordan is wheeling me away but I thought we were going out of the main entrance, he's taking us to a little secluded area away from prying eyes. Once he sits down next to me but facing me, he starts talking. "I noticed you were getting suffocated by her breasts so thought I'd give you an escape, I hope that's okay." He smiles. "Thanks. Having boobs in my face are not really my thing." He roared with laughter. "Good to know, babe. There's something that I do want to know, though?" He states. "What's that? Curiosity has always been a trait of mine ever since I was young. "Do you like other things in your face?" My mouth automatically forms an 'O' face. Wow! "And what other things are you referring to, Jordan?" This man is bold. "I think you know exactly what I'm referring to. Maybe I should take your hand and give you a feel of what I am referring to?" I bite my bottom lip.

 Maybe I should take your hand and give you a feel of what I am referring to?" I bite my bottom lip

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"What if I don't know, Jordan, what would happen then?" I tease, feigning my innocence. "If that was the case, I would have to teach you a few things. But there's more than this little miss innocent act. I just have to look into those pretty hazel eyes to see the lust in them." The ability to read me like this man is, is something that I've never experienced with anyone else before. It's nerving but exciting. I shuffle in my seat, trying to get comfortable. "Can I help you with anything, babe?" He asks me, sounding genuinely concerned about me. "I'm just a little uncomfortable, it gets a bit stiff being in here sometimes." - "want to sit on my lap?" Erm, I don't want him to be uncomfortable because of me. "You won't hurt me, Keli." He assures me. I let him help me manoeuvre out of my chair and onto his lap. I decide to tease him. "I'm thinking you just wanted to get your hands on me anyway you could." He pulls me closer to him and I ask him to lift my leg across so that I'm straddling him as it'll be more comfortable. He leans in closer and gently places his lips upon my own. I respond by kissing him back. The feel of his full pouty lips on mine send tingles down my spine. I run my fingers through his short dark hair; pulling him closer to me.
"Jordan, there you are!" Jordan pulls away almost instantly from hearing this random voice behind me. "Jonathan, have you just got here?" Jordan asks the strange voice. "Yeah. Everyone said you were with a girl somewhere and here you are with..." then he pops round so I can see his face.

Ohh who is he, and I glance between him and Jordan

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Ohh who is he, and I glance between him and Jordan. "This is Keli Anne, Keli this is my brother, Jon." Jon goes to shake my hand, "hi" we both say at the same time. Gosh how can both brothers be so handsome yet so different, but definitely both good looking. I'm lost for words.

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