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Jordan's POV.
I haven't been getting any response from Keli-Anne over the last day or so and I'm worried about her. The last thing I know is that Jon went to see her and he had written down her address. Talking of Jon, he's been in a fowl mood ever since. If he's done something to her, I'll freaking kill him and it doesn't matter if he's my brother or not. I don't get angry much as it takes a hell of a lot for me to do so but if someone lays a finger on a woman then I'll show no mercy. It took me a few minutes to find Jon's scribbled note with the address on it and I grab it. I also grab my car keys and my phone.

I'm stood outside of the apartment where Keli lives and I take a deep breath

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I'm stood outside of the apartment where Keli lives and I take a deep breath. The curtains are drawn close from what I can see. It looks like a cute place just looking at it from the outside. I brace myself as I knock on the door. I knock again as there's no answer. "Keli-Anne, are you in there?" No response. I knock. "Go away!" I hear her soft voice yell through the door. "It's Jordan, honey. Can you let me in?" Now there's no answer. I try to open the door and I find it's unlocked, so I slowly open it. It's all dark. Reaching for my phone in my pant's pocket, I turn the light on so that I can see what's in front of me. There's no sign of Keli so far. I softly call out for her, trying to stay calm and not wanting to scare her. As I walk my way through the apartment, I hear sobbing and I follow the sound.
Glancing around the room, it takes me a moment before I find Keli-Anne curled up on the floor in the corner.

I rush over to her

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I rush over to her. "Keli, it's me, Jordan. What's wrong sweetheart?" I realise that she's naked. Damn. I look around the room to find something to put around her and I end up taking off my jacket. She winces when I wrap it around her. Jeez. "Please don't hurt me." She said in a whispering tone. What the hell has happened for her to be scared of me hurting her. I really look at her. "How long have you been here for?" I ask quietly. "Since he left." I gently lift my hand to brush her hair out of her eyes. Her makeup is still on her face although the mascara has ran down her cheeks and it all looking patchy. I decide to try and help her. "Honey, I'm going to go and run a bath or shower for you. I'll be right back. Where's the bathroom?" She points towards the door.
There's a walk-in shower with a shower chair and I spot the shower products so I position them where I can grab them easily. I look in the cabinet underneath the sink unit and there's plenty of towels so I take some out. I walk back into her bedroom and I glance around to see where her clothes may be. There's a chest of drawers so I go browse through for something to put on her. I make sure to tell her what I'm doing so she knows that I'm not just being a creep looking through her furniture.
"Sweetheart, what do you need me to do to help you? Can you walk or do you need me to carry you to the bathroom? Can you tell me..." I wait a minute or two. She looks up at me, "please help me, I can't walk that far." Okay, I'll pick her up. She weighs as light as a feather and she rests her head on my shoulder. I hold her close to me without gripping too hard as I don't want to hurt her. I sit her down carefully on the shower chair and remove my jacket.

I quickly remove my footwear and socks, yanking up my pants although I don't care if I get wet or not

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I quickly remove my footwear and socks, yanking up my pants although I don't care if I get wet or not.
I take my time in showering and washing her. I notice quite a few marks which look painful, so I tend to those areas extra gentle. When I've finished showering her, I gently pat her dry and dress her in the top and shorts that I found.
I carry her back to her room and gently lay her down on the bed. Just as I'm about to climb off the bed, she reaches out for me. I get myself comfortable and pull her so she's snuggled up against me. We stay like this in silence. I'm sure she'll start talking when she's ready. "Jordan, I'm sorry." Huh. She's apologising but why. "Why are you saying sorry?" I ask her. "I thought I could handle him but he scared me. He hurt me too." Even though I'm sure I know who, I can't help but ask. "Jon." That son of a bitch. I knew it. She begins to cry. "SSH he's not going to hurt you again. You're safe sweetheart." I caress the skin on her arm trying to soothe her.
Once she finished telling me what happened, it was really hard for me to keep my anger from boiling over and I didn't want to scare Keli-Anne any more than she already is so I made sure that she was comfortable and prepared some food and drink for her. I had to make sure she had everything she needed before I left. I made her promise me to call me if she needs me but I'll be back ASAP.
The time now is Jon's work day to be finished so I head on home. I feel like having a stiff drink but I need to be able to get to Keli-Anne if she needs me. I hear the front door open and close with a loud slam. He's home. Better brace yourself brother! I mutter to myself.
I'm sitting at the island staring out of the window when he eventually walks into the kitchen. "You scared me there, brother." He says as he sees me for the first time. "That should be the least of your worries, brother." I state quietly. "What did you say?" He asks me. I guess he heard me after all. I take a deep breath. "How about how scared you've made Keli-Anne feel?!" He looks at me, confused. "What do you mean?" He asks. "So why did she kick you out?" I raise my brow as I ask him. He comes round so he's standing by my side. He begins to snicker. What the hell? "So it's funny that you've scared the poor girl half to death?" I'm trying my hardest to not let my anger get the best of me. I clench my fists. Now he's laughing. "Jonathan, this isn't the time to be laughing. You didn't see the state that she was in. She was broken." - "she knew what she was getting into when we met. She was up for it when we last saw her, don't forget that." He tells me. "She told me what happened, Jon. That's not how it goes. You know that. You're supposed to ease her into it. For gods sake Jon." The next minute I'm being pushed into the wall behind us. He's got his arm holding me against the wall and his other hand is in a fist in front of my face. "You don't tell me what to do, Jordan. Don't push my buttons." He says whilst grimacing. "You know I'm right. I care about Keli-Anne. If you can't treat her right, then maybe you should stay away from her because the look of fear that I saw in her eyes will stay with me forever." A fist hits my face. "I warned you little brother. Don't tell me what to do! Or I'll.." I find myself shoving him into the island bar behind him then he lunges at me. We each throw punches and roll around on the floor knocking over the bar stools. Each of us cursing at each other until we finally stop.
"Listen to me Jon, I'm warning you now, stay away until you think about how she might be feeling and why she's feeling like you broke her. If you do anything else to hurt her, I mean it, I'll never forgive you. Brother or not." He's slumped in the corner, wiping his bust lip with his bloodied hand as he gazes up at me.

I shake my head in disappointment at him before I go to my bathroom to clean myself up

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I shake my head in disappointment at him before I go to my bathroom to clean myself up. He can clean himself up.

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