Lost Without You

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I was beginning to wonder what was happening and why I hadn't heard anything from Jordan since I last saw him over two days ago. We have been talking and messaging everyday ever since he took me on our date to the park. Spending this time with him has been so wonderful and I'm truly enjoying getting to know him more.
Excited when I see his name on my phone screen and I greet him cheerfully after the second ring. "Hey Jay, I'm good, been thinking about you. How are you? What? What is it? Oh okay, I'll see you in about ten minutes then. Bye." My heart sinks thinking the worse like is he going to finish what we have together, as he hasn't actually said anything in particular. He just needs to see me and that he has to talk to me.
Ten minutes pass. I hear the engine of Jordan's car roaring up the road so I manoeuvre towards my front door. I watch as he parks up, climbs out of his car and walks to me. His head is low. His hair is all messy. I look at his clothes which are crumpled and I realise he hasn't changed since I last saw him. I begin to worry. "Hey, come in." As soon as I pushed my front door closed, I feel his arms wrap around me and he lifts me up out of my wheelchair. He walks over to the sofa with me in his arms. He begins to sob with his face buried into my chest. I gently run my fingers through his hair, trying to soothe him. "What's happened Jordan?" I ask him, almost like a whisper. It's a while before his cries stop and his body calms down. "It's Jon. He... he..." he struggles to get his words out.

"What about him?" He lifts his head up to face me

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"What about him?" He lifts his head up to face me. His beautiful dark brown eyes stained red and puffy from crying. "He... took an overdose." My eyes widened. "What, what do you mean?" He glanced away briefly before turning to gaze at me. "I found him unresponsive in the bathtub. There were bottles of wine and opened boxes of painkillers on the side table next to the tub." I curse under my breath. Shocked at what I'm being told. Fearing for the worst, I have to ask him the awful question. "Is he okay?" A few minutes later. "He's in hospital. They've sent me home to rest and to get change but my mum is there, with him. I didn't want to leave him but they didn't give me a choice." He sighs heavily. I don't know what to say. I'm at a loss for words. "Have you been back home yet?" He shakes his head. "No. I came straight to here. I needed you." Aww. I pull him closer more tightly. "We should get you showered, changed and probably fed, Jordan. You need to keep your strength up." He agrees. "Will you come with me to my place?" I nod, "of course. Let me get my things." Making sure I have my arms around his neck securely before lifting me as he stands up and carries me to my wheelchair. I go to grab everything I need and put it all into my bag.

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