The Hospital

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Sweat drips off me as I try to kick off my duvet but I struggle. Katie is here but can't remember when she got here. "Keli-Anne, are you okay?" She presses her palm to my forehead. "I'll be fine, just a little bit under the weather." I feel her gaze burning into me. "I'm taking you to get checked out at the hospital and I'm not taking no for an answer." I watch as she packs my overnight bag. I don't have any energy to try to persuade her otherwise.
Just a few hours later, the doctor has admitted me to the Ambulatory Care Unit so they can monitor me and give me anything that I might need such as an intravenous therapy etc.

Hopefully they'll let me go home tonight

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Hopefully they'll let me go home tonight. "Hi Keli, I'm going to put in a cannula so that we can administer some fluids to help you with the dehydration okay? We're awaiting the results from the blood tests so we'll see what they come back as." I turn to face Katie on the opposite side and grip her hand as I hate the feeling of needles, especially a cannula.  I groan in pain. Why on earth do they say it's just a scratch, it feels like they're clawing at me rather than a thin needle?! I've never been too good with pain, I wish I was but I'm not. It makes me want to cry like a big baby. It's embarrassing to say the least. "All done now, let's get you attached to this shall we??" The doctor informs us. I nod and show a tight lipped smile.
I wake up feeling a little startled. "It's okay, you're in hospital hun, take some deep breaths." Katie tries told my hands still and she calls out for the nurse. They rush over to me. They check my vitals and go to make a phone call. A few minutes later, the doctor from earlier appears behind the curtain that's been pulled around my bed for some privacy. "We're going to give you an electrocardiogram test to check your heart rate for a little while. I will let the nurse apply the tabs on you and I'll be back shortly to see how you're doing." The nurse comes back pushing a trolley with a machine on it. "I will be putting these on all of your pulse areas, okay. Try not to worry too much, pet. We just want to rule out as much as we can." She gives me a comforting smile as she pulls back my covers. Less than ten minutes later and I'm all wired up to the device. Luckily the wires are long enough so that I can move fairly freely without them feeling like they're pulling on me. "Sweetheart, when was the last time you went to urinate?" She catches me off guard. I try to remember. "Not since she went to bed last night, she usually goes through the night once or twice, from what I can remember." Katie fills her in. Thank goodness. "Okay; I'm going to speak to the doctor again but they may want me to put in a catheter as the dehydration could be making it harder for you to pee."


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