Dainty Little Hand

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When he saw me huddled up in the corner and he came up close to me, the look in his beautiful dark brown eyes softened as he knelt down. I could tell he was trying to be gentle and careful in not hurting me but he doesn't have any worry there as he's always gentle with me. It felt surreal having him showering, drying and dressing me as I'm not used to a guy doing those things for me. I've always kept those things separate as I want a guy to be a lover not a carer but as much as it felt surreal, it didn't feel weird with him at all. From the first time I met him, he has always made me feel at ease and I feel like I could fall really hard for him. My only hope is that he doesn't hurt me as I fall for him. I don't think he will, not intentionally anyway. Jordan is my knight in shining armour.

I'm halfway sitting up in my bed whilst watching the television

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I'm halfway sitting up in my bed whilst watching the television. I've finished everything that Jordan had prepared for me when he was here several hours ago. I'm debating whether to message him or not, I don't want to be see as clingy but he's the only person that I want to see. He's the only person who knows what happened and I feel embarrassed to tell any of my friends or family. They wouldn't understand how I've let myself get involved with two brothers like I have. Although Jordan is the only one I feel comfortable with at the moment and I think I'd feel pretty scared if I saw Jon.
'Hi Jordan, thank you for earlier. Keli-Anne'
There... my message is sent to him. I don't expect a reply because he's already done so much for me. I let myself doze off.

I'm startled when my phone wakes me up; ringing

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I'm startled when my phone wakes me up; ringing. "Hello?... oh hi, yes, I'll push the button for you." I push the button on my phone and I hear my front door opening. I smile when I see Jordan until I notice some shading on his face. He comes to sit on the bed and asks how I'm doing. "I'm not as bad as I was earlier. I really do appreciate you looking after me the way you did." I tell him. I close my eyes briefly as he gently brushes my hair away from my face. "You're not afraid of me, are you sweetheart?" He asks, softly. "No, I don't think I could ever be scared of you." He smiles. "Is there anything you need?" Then he starts to stand up off the bed but I quickly wrap my hand around his wrist which makes him look down at me, curiously. "Please just stay here with me?" I plead with him and he climbs up next to me; wrapping his arm around me. "What are you watching?" he asks as he's glancing at the telly in front of us... "I don't know, I was falling asleep. Probably some girly show." I tell him. I hand him the remote control and let him choose. He chooses some sci-fi thing. "May I get a drink for us?" I hear him ask, "Yeah, sure. Do you know where everything is?" I check but he waves me off as he climbs off the bed and wanders through to the kitchen. I forgot he was in there earlier preparing me some food and stuff so maybe he has a good memory. I must admit, I don't mind some sci-fi stuff as some of it is pretty cool but whatever the hell this is, it's weird. I hear Jordan chuckling as he climbs back onto the bed.

"Do you not like this, baby?" I turn to gaze up at him, seeing his smirk

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"Do you not like this, baby?" I turn to gaze up at him, seeing his smirk... "it's blooming weird. Think I'll stick to my usual chick flicks in the future but I don't mind watching it now with you because I can tell you're enjoying it and you are the guest." I feel his strong arm wrap around me and I lean forward so that he can put his arm around my waist properly. "Come here, baby." He gestures. I snuggle up with my head against his chest.
Half an hour, possibly almost an hour later and we're still watching the movie. My fingers keep stroking Jordan on his abdomen. I didn't even realise I was doing it until I heard him hiss slightly and his spare hand gently presses on top of my hand. "Baby, that's... erm..." his voice deepening the more I stroke him. Deciding to be bold, I slowly lower my fingers underneath his hand that he had just moved. I listen to his breathing which is beginning to hitch a little, the more I go lower. My hand is just above his waistband. "Keli..." He says, his eyes firmly gazing down at me that are darkening as time goes on. I bite my lip to the way he's looking at me, hungrily. "Yes, Jordan." I tease. "You're making me lose control here by doing this with your dainty little hand..." boldly, I move my hand on the waistband now. "Damnit baby, that's it, I need to kiss you." He leans down to kiss me. His tongue pressing on my bottom lip to part them. A little moan escapes my throat. Jordan has now climbed over on top of me with one hand holding himself up off me to not squish me and the other caressing my face. I love how his full pouty lips feel as they trail along my jawline and slowly down my neck.
Some time later when we're both in our underwear, I gently caress the areas that are bruised on his body and I'm curious as to how he's gotten them. "Where are these bruises from, J?" I nervously ask him. "It doesn't matter baby, they don't hurt. Are you still sore?" He glances down at me. "They'll fade away. Did he do those to you?" I take a deep breath once I've asked him.

"I can take his hits, but he won't lay a finger on you now

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"I can take his hits, but he won't lay a finger on you now. No one hurts you, not even my brother." His voice is so calm and controlled. "Please don't let yourself get hurt because of me though. But it shows that you do care about me and no one has ever gone out to protect me like that before." I lean up to kiss him on the cheek. Then I reach for my phone and I send a message. I feel the vibrations of Jordan laughing, "you're my KNIGHT in shining armour" he hums out loud. "You are. Jordan. Well you are to me." I feel him pulling me closer. "You're too cute, Keli. I was thinking about maybe taking you out sometime like on a date?" I glance up to find myself gazing into his eyes who are staring into my own. "I'd love that. But... just me and you." His fingers carefully brush my hair away from my face... "just me and you." I sigh, feeling more relaxed than I have done since before Jon came a few days ago. I can't believe that I'm getting to go on a date with my own Knight in shining armour.

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