You Don't Scare Me, Mr Knight!

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Part two...

I quickly do my business on the loo before I find myself sitting on the toilet sobbing. I don't know how long I've been sitting here crying but I hear a knock. "Keli? Can I come in?" It's Jordan. "It's just me, Jordan. I want to check if you're okay." He says, softly. I slowly open the cubicle door and I pull him inside. "I'm sorry, J. I can't cope with all of the stares and people being nasty about me." He bends his knees slightly so that we're eye level and gently strokes the side of my face. "You've nothing to be sorry about baby. I'm sorry that my brother is being too pushy with you. Is this the first time you've been on a date with two guys?" I nervously bite my lip and lower my head down so that I'm looking at his feet. His fingers cup my chin and softly lifts it up so that we are gazing into each other's eyes. "Yes." I hear him curse under his breath. "We should have talked to you about this before now. Why don't we finish the food and go somewhere like a bar where we can chat." I wrap my arms around him and he pulls me closer. I bury my face into his firm chest. "Okay. I just don't want everyone to be watching us like they are or saying hurtful things about me in earshot." I feel him kissing my forehead. Then he wipes the slightly smudged eye makeup from underneath my eyes. "Jordan?" I hear him say yes. "Will you kiss me properly?" He places both of his big hands on either side of my face and leans down to kiss me. It's slow and tentatively.

His tongue carefully tries to prise my lips to part so he can deepen the kiss

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His tongue carefully tries to prise my lips to part so he can deepen the kiss. A hoarse moan escapes from my throat which encourages Jordan to slide his hands to cup my backside. He manages to lift me up so I wrap my legs around his body and he sits us down on the toilet with me straddling him. He pulls down my top straps down and gently places kisses along my collarbone. His fingers brush inside my top and onto my boob and he repeats this action with my other boob, so now I'm bare from my breasts and upwards. I quickly glance down into his eyes which have darkened to an almost a black shade due to desire. If I could describe the word perfection then Jordan would be it.
"I think we should stop before we end up doing it in here and you deserve better than that. Let me help you, sweetheart." I swoon over his hoarse toned voice and I stand up although my legs feel a little shaky. He lifts my straps back up to where they should be. I feel his lips on mine for a sweet little kiss. I make sure to check to see if the toilets are empty for Jordan to get out before he gets caught being in the ladies bathroom and thankfully it's just the two of us. I even check with the door that leads out to the lobby and it's clear there too so he leaves before me. I take a moment to check myself out in the mirror. I reapply my lipstick and try to brush out any knots that may have formed from Jordan's hands running through my locks. Smiling to myself as I replay his kiss and the way it felt having his hands on me, damn he has left me yearning for more.

Figuring it's time that I left this bathroom and head back to the table to join the two men

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Figuring it's time that I left this bathroom and head back to the table to join the two men. My stomach is definitely rumbling now and I hope the food isn't too cold. I try to walk back confidently but for some reason I struggle. Jordan pulls out my chair for me and Jon begins to talk. "I hope you don't mind but they've brought out a fresh meal for you as it was cold. I'm sorry that I upset you, that wasn't my intention." I thank Jordan for being a gentleman and turn my head to face Jon. "Thank you, I appreciate you doing that Jon. Let's just enjoy the meal, yeah?" They both agree and we all tuck in. Conversation remains light-hearted and the three of us get to know each other better.
The guys decided to pay for the bill and ask if I would like to join them at the swanky bar down the street to which I happily accept. We walk to the bar with me in the middle and a brother linked arms either side of me. It makes it easier to keep up with their fast paced walking, haha!

Once we're inside the bar which is really fancy, Jordan heads straight to the bar and Jon leads me to a darkened corner. He entraps me against the wall with his strong body. His fingers trail down the side of my face, fairly roughly whilst gazing into my eyes. "I'm taking my turn to have my way with you seeing as my brother has already had you tonight." He tells me, sternly. "He hasn't had me. He's a gentleman, unlike his brother." I retort back to him. "It's a good thing that we're here and not at our place cos I'd be having you over my knee for speaking that way to me." He threatens. I bite my lip. "What if I like that?" His eyes widen. "You like to be spanked, babe?!? Then I'll have to use other ways of punishing you, won't I?!" I feel his breath on my skin below my ear and it's making the little hairs stand up on the back of my neck. "You don't scare me, Mr Knight." I hear a growl coming from his throat. He leans down to kiss me on the lips. He's definitely a lot rougher than Jordan but I love how they are so different.

"Here we go guys

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"Here we go guys." Jordan says as he places the tray of drinks down on the high table. Jon steps away and pulls me to stand in between them both. I take a sip of my ice cold drink and I glance around the bar. I can feel the brother's standing next to me, watching everything I do. Jon leans down to my ear. "I'm going to touch you. Right here. If you don't want to then tell me." I watch his hand lower to the waistband of my pants. "Jordan turn her slightly and make sure she is facing you." He instructs his brother and I feel Jordan's soft fingers gently guide me to stand facing him. Jon finds his way inside my pants and lowers his fingers down. I gasp at feeling the roughness against my skin down there. Jordan leans down to kiss me as he wraps his arms around me, and gently pushing my hair away from my face. My breathing increases. The more time Jon spends touching me right on my core, the more my legs feel like jelly and I'm thankful that Jordan is holding me up. I try not to moan but I quickly remember that the music is loud so there's no chance of hearing me.
Just as I'm needing more of his fingers inside of me, he slides his hand out of my pants and licks his fingers. What a sexy sight seeing Jon taste myself on his long thick fingers. My body is left needing more and I'm desperately missing their touches.

They both go to stand back either side of me as we all enjoy our drinks

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They both go to stand back either side of me as we all enjoy our drinks. We have a few more drinks but then leave the bar. The brothers drop me off at my home. Each giving me the kiss of death before he goes to climb back into the car. I watch as they drive away.

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