Generous' night out

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(Somewhere in Equestria at night, A crowd is gathered around a construction area. They are focused on Generous, who is sleepwalking on an unfinished tower's girders, managing to avoid all danger by luck. Thunder is following Generous, trying in vain to wake her up by frantically pressing a button on a controller)

Thunder: GC! (Follows her) Wake up, GC!!!! Wake up!!! (Presses the button of the controller but nothing happens)

(Thunder turns around to the viewers)

Thunder: Oh, hi. You were probably wondering how GC got into this mess. I can tell you, but I'll have to be quick!

(A flashback opens to a few days earlier with Generous trying to sleep at night but fails)

Thunder: (Narrating offscreen) GC was having trouble sleeping lately. She tried everything. Sleeping in all sorts of different positions, she got a book called how to sleep.

Generous: (Reads the book) Try drinking a glass of warm milk after a hot bath.

Thunder: But that didn't work either. Then she decided to try counting sheep. That didn't work either. Finally, she decided to watch TV.

(Generous watched TV as a commercial popped in)

Hypnotist: (On TV) Are you wide awake all night? Unable to sleep? Are you so tired all day that you doze off into your oatmeal?

Generous: All of those....

Hypnotist: (On TV) Then come see me. Dr. Solabilo I can enable you to sleep overnight through the power of hypnosis.

Generous: I'm so desperate for a good night's sleep I'm even willing to try that.

Thunder: (Narrating offscreen) GC went there the next morning but she had second thoughts which is two more than GC usually has.

(In Toontown, Thunder and Terence were watching as Dr. Solabilo tries to hypnotize Generous)

Generous: I shouldn't have come here Dr. Solabilo. People with superior intelligence can't be hypnotized. There's no way you can cause me to- (Dr. Solabilo snaps his fingers and Generous falls asleep)

Dr. Solabilo: When I press this button you will be awaken until I press it again you will think you are a chicken.

(He presses the button and Generous wakes up and starts acting like a chicken)

Thunder: Better stop her before she lays an egg.

(Dr. Solabilo presses the button and Generous comes to her senses)

Generous: ...Fall asleep because I'm just too smart to be hypnotized.

Dr. Solabilo: I think you will be a fine subject for the hypno-machine.

Thunder: (Narrating offscreen) The hypno-machine was this thing that Dr. Solabilo invented to program people within not excisions.

Dr. Solabilo: (Presses some buttons) And just into the code for the behavior pattern I wish to implant in her then she will be properly programmed.

Thunder: (Narrating offscreen) I didn't notice but I guess when the doctor was programming GC, Terence was distracted by a fly.

(A fly flies by and Terence sees it)

Dr. Solabilo: Generous Crystal, you will fall asleep every time you hear this sound.

(He presses the button but at the same time Terence meows and Generous wakes up)

Thunder: (Narrating offscreen) I think that must be how it happened. GC accidentally got programmed with the sound of Terence meowing only she didn't know it at the time.

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