Bittersweet Gale

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(Somewhere in Equestria, the oc's were playing a frisbee game)

Twistar: Okay. Shoulders up, shoulders down.

Thunder: Oh, brother. Throw the frisbee, already! Evelyn's already excited!

Evelyn: (Pants in excitement)

Twistar: Okay! (Throws the frisbee)

Evelyn: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! (Follows it)

(Evelyn chased it and chased until it was stopped by a blue aura of magic)

Evelyn: No! Why!?

(The oc's look and saw a purple female unicorn with brown mane and tail with yellow shades, pink hair bands, magenta eyeshadow, orange eyes and wearing a grey necklace with a blue stone holding the frisbee)

Silver: Excuse me, that's our frisbee.

?????????: Oh, uh, this frisbee? No, no, this is mine.

Twistar: What? I just threw that.

?????????: Tell you what, let's compromise, and we'll call it... no one's frisbee. (Throws it away)

Evelyn: Hey!

Thunder: I'm warning you. You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.

?????????: Aw. I'm terrified.

Generous: What's going on? (Sees the unicorn and gasps) Bittersweet Gale! (Glares at her)

Bittersweet Gale: Generous Crystal.

Generous: What are you doing in here?

Bittersweet Gale: Oh, enjoying my life after princess Celestia expelled me from her magic school!

Generous: And you're saying this as if it was my fault?! You were the one who planned to put a curse on me to turn me into a bloodthirsty beast.

Bittersweet Gale: And I would have done that if it wasn't from that librarian snitching me! Now I'm forbidden to go to any libraries. And you know why? So I won't learn any spell!

Generous: Good for you at least.

Bittersweet Gale: Ugh. By the way, I learn you and your friends are running a business now. (Sarcastically) How brilliant. Although, the Non-Disney characters would've better things to do than going to a replica of the House of Mouse.

Generous: I was only trying to help them.

Bittersweet Gale: Sometimes, I wish you didn't do that. In fact, I wish you weren't here at all. Now, if you excuse me, I'll go somewhere where there are no losers. Bye! (Chuckles and leaves)

Generous: (Growls)

Catherine: Uh... who was that?

Generous: That was Bittersweet Gale. She has been bullying me when I was in magic school because she was jealous of me at many things.

Thunder: Like what?

Generous: My wings, my magic, everything. One day she's been kicked out of school after she was caught reading a forbidden spell. Now she hates me more than she did then.

Thunder: Gee....

Generous: (Calm) That's okay. As long as I have you guys, there's nothing to worry about.

(That noon, Thunder was leaving Equestria to go home)

Bittersweet Gale: (Offscreen) Psst... blue machine.

(Thunder looks around to see where this voice came from)

Bittersweet Gale: Yes, over here. (Thunder drives forward until he sees her) Hi.

The greatest oc's the series: Season 3 (Update)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora