The delivery

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(Somewhere, in Toontown at a pizzeria, Generous and Thunder were working there. Generous was cleaning the tables as Thunder watched waiting for her to be done since it's getting late)

Thunder: Hurry up with those chairs, GC. It's after closing and I'd like to go home!

(Suddenly, the phone rings)

Generous: I got it, I got it! Coming. (Leaps for the phone, but Thunder answers it first. Generous falls to the floor and exclaims)

Thunder: Hello? Sorry, sir, we're closed... (A man snatches the phone)

Man: Hi. How could I help you? (Customer explains order over phone) Pizza? Um... Of course we have pizza. Our delivery boy will bring it right over. (Hangs up)

(A few seconds later, the man came back with a pizza box that has the pizza in it)

Thunder: Oh, no, no, no. It's late and we won't deliver.

Man: We don't deliver, (Gives Thunder the pizza] but you do.

Thunder: Can't you just get the pony to do it?

Man: Great idea! Take her with you. (Generous sneaks over smiling big)

Thunder: That's not what I had in mind!

(Outside, Generous was checking the pizza delivery vehicle)

Generous: Front end... check. Antenna... (Touches the boat antenna making it vibrate) check. Bumper... check. Bumper sticker... check. (Uncaps the tire pressure and puts her mouth in it, causing her to inflate like a balloon, and talk in a squeaky, high-pitched voice while she is now the size of a giant parade balloon) Tire pressure! (Blows out the rest of the pressure in Thunder's face, returning her to her normal size and voice) ...check. Vehicle inspection complete!

(Then an English Springer Spaniel with golden eyes and wearing black jacket and pants and a white shirt with black stripes appears)

??????: Hey guys. How you doing?

Generous: Oh, hi Aspen. Me and Thunder are about to deliver a pizza. (Gets inside the vehicle) Robert's brother, Ryder is sick and we're replacing him until he gets better.

Aspen: Woah, I hope Ryder gets well soon. Gotta go now. Good luck woth your delivery, you two.

Generous: Thanks. (To Thunder) I can't believe we're doing this Thunder. I can't wait to deliver that pizza!

Thunder: Good, then you drive.

Generous: I can't. I'm still learning.

Thunder: Come on, GC. It's just around the corner.

Generous: Well, yeah, but...

Thunder: Just do what you know.

Generous: Well, okay. Wait, don't tell me.

Thunder: Back it up.

Generous: Huh?

Thunder: Back... it up.

Generous: Right, back... it up. (Tries to move the stick shift down)

Thunder: Back it up!!!

Generous: Okay, okay!

Thunder: Shift into reverse, GC!

Generous: Reverse? Oh, yeah, reverse. (Sees the shift but gets nervous not knowing how to back up)

Thunder: Back it up!

Generous: (Shifts gears) Backing up! Backing up! (The vehicle backs up really fast hitting

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