Squeaky toy

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(It was morning in Equestria and Generous was waking up but her alarm snaps in two)

Generous: (Picks it up) Hmm. Terence, have you been chewing on my alarm clock again? Oh, well. (Tries to fix it with tape but it falls over again) Up and at 'em. (Jumps out of bed. Then she goes into the bathroom and smells her breath) Eurgh. Toothpaste to the rescue! (Reaches into the cabinet for her toothbrush, but Terence is chewing it) What the hey? Come on, Terence! (Pulls) Let go! (Tickles him) Coochie coochie coo! (Terence laughs and lets go) Golly, Terence, what's gotten into you? Are you bored? I'll play with you later. (Terence chews the toothpaste tube) Terence! (Generus drops him into the bath) Gary, you are a nut. Sheesh!

Terence: (Chews on a bar of soap) Meow.

(Soon, Generous was at the kitchen table making breakfast)

Generous: (Pours cereal) That cat sure is acting weird. It's like he's teething again. (Pours milk, but it leaks out of the bowl, looks through a hole in it) Hey, hold on a second...Terence, have you been chewing on my bowl?!

Terence: (Spits a piece of bowl out) No. (Chews the table)

Generous: Terence, are you trying to tell me something? Could it be that what you need is a new chew toy? (Terence licks her) I thought so.

(Soon, they went to a pet store)

Generous: Ooh, I bet they have lots of toys here.

(They found the shelfs with the pet toys)

Generous: Well, how about this one? (Gives Terence a bone shaped toy. Terence bites it and it deflates) Okay, how about this? Well? (Gives Terence a fire hydrant toy. He squeezes it and squirts water in Generous' face) Yeah, I don't think so. Hey look! A Pet Point 3000! A pet toy that plays with your pet! What do you think, Terence?

Terence: Meh. (Leaves, uninterested)

(Terence walked around until he spots a small mouse toy on top of a pile and climbs up to it. He licks it and then bites it making squeaky noises)

Generous: Terence? Terence! (Terence drops the toy and Generous picks it up) Hey, where'd you come from? I wonder if Terence would like this toy. (Terence falls on top of her and licks the ball) I guess you do.

(At the oc house, Twistar is drying off a glass when she looks through the glass and sees Terence playing with his new toy)

Generous: Hey, Twistar. Do you like Terence's new toy? Pretty cool, huh?

(As Terence played with his toy the toy made squeaky noises and made Twistar cover her ears)

Twistar: That squeaking is gonna drive us all crazy!

Thunder: Nonsense, Twi. That squeaking is music to my ears.

(Later that night, Thunder is in his room, lying in his hammock and counting tractors)

Thunder: (Muttering) 1, 2, 3... (All of a sudden, the toy jumps into the register. He opens his eyes) Wha? Who's there? (Goes back to sleep) Back to counting tractors. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... (The toy appears again; Thunder opens his eyes again) What the heck is that? (He sees that the bedroom window is opening and shutting by itself, making squeaky noises. Thunder closes the window and gets back into sleep but notices the window has opened again. He shuts the window, but it won't close. He starts shutting it with increasing force and speed until the window finally stays closed. The window reopens again, and Thunder gives it the death glare followed by a growl. The window immediately closes back, as if it says "Yipe!" Thunder then starts to go back to sleep, but the window makes squeaky noises all night, as if it is clapping at him)

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