Home alone

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(It was morning in Ponyville and Generous came out of her house getting ready)

Generous: A whole day at the beach. Just me and my friends. That's everything. Although, I have the strange feeling that I forgot something. Oh, well, let's picnic. (Flies away)

Terence: (Comes out of the house) Ready for the beach. (Notices Generous has left) Oh, no, she left without me. (Lowers his head until he realized he can do whatever he wants now that he's home alone) She left without me!!! Woo-hoo.

(Terence went inside and begins having fun. He jumped on the bed, did stair surfing and a lot of many things. Meanwhile, Generous was at the beach with her friends)

Generous: (Takes the food out) What've we here? Oops, there's more. I had this nagging feeling that I forgot something important.

(Meanwhile, Terence was recording himself using a broom as a guitar while some rock music plays in the background. Outside, Bittersweet was walking by with a green earth pony with orange eyes, blue mane and tail has a cutie mark with a moldy fish on fire and was wearing glasses when they hear the music)

Bittersweet: Do you hear that, Spice Mold?

Spice Mold: Hear what?

Bittersweet: It's coming from Generous' house. Which is weird because she's all the way on some kind of boring bonding picnic.

Spice Mold: (Gets nervous) Maybe somepony broke in. We better hide.

Bittersweet: (Gets an idea) That's it. We're going to catch the robber and become famous and replace Generous!!! And after I explain to the paparazzi how I saved the day; I'll get international fame and- Wait for it. A signature soda.

(They approach the door and Bittersweet tries to push Spice Mold from the pet door)

Spice Mold: Can't we just use the front door?

Bittersweet: It's called the element of surprise. Hello.

(Inside, Terence was juggling with some of his cat toys when suddenly the alarm went off)

Alarm voice: Intruder. Intruder. Intruder.

Terence: Uh-oh. Looks like it's up to me to defend the house.

(Spice Mold got inside from the window but then a pot swung and hit her in the face causing her to go flying out of the window)

Terence: Yes.

(Later, Spice Mold tried to climb with a rope to Generous' bedroom, but Terence noticed this, and cut the rope with his claws, causing her to fall. Eventually, Bittersweet pushed Spice Mold towards the front door)

Bittersweet: Get me that intruder. My line of signature soda is riding on this.

(Spice Mold got inside tiptoeing, when suddenly a bucket of water and soap swung right into her face. She screamed and removed the bucket only to see Terence throwing a pillow on her, sending her flying out of the house and she bumped into Bittersweet and they both fell into a bush)

Terence: Had enough or are you thirsty for more? Actually, I am thirsty.

(Soon, Terence starts drinking milk and eating a few snacks when Generous came)

Generous: I knew I forgot something. (Picks up Terence and they get out of the house)

Spice Mold: (Comes out of the bush with Bittersweet looking dizzy) I saved your house, Generous.

Generous: Spice Mold? Bittersweet Gale?

(Terence turns her head around to focus on walking)

Terence: It's my home. I have to defend it. (Winks)

The end

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