Too many toons

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(Somewhere in Toontown, Generous was waiting in the park with Terence)

Terence: Meow.

Generous: I know Terence, we've been waiting for a long time. But don't worry, I'm sure Mickey Mouse will arrive.

Mickey Mouse: (Appears) Hiya-ya, Generous.

Generous: Oh, hey Mickey.

Mickey Mouse: I'm so sorry I was late. I had to finish a movie of mine.

Generous: I understand. After all, you toons make people laugh. And you and a few others have so many careers.

Mickey Mouse: I know. But hey, I enjoy seeing people happy.

Generous: Yeah.... (Thinks about it)

(Later, after her meeting with Mickey, Generous talked to her friends)

Thunder: What do you want us to do?!

Generous: Well, I was thinking since Mickey and his friends entertain everyone, why not finding a way to entertain them?

Delilah: How are we gonna do that?

Generous: Hm, that's a good question. (Walks as she thinks about it) Oh, oh, I know since they are toons, I say they should have their own toons!

Bong: Hold on, are you saying...

Generous: Yes. We should create toons for them.

Twistar: I think I know how.

(Soon, Twistar was done creating a machine that looks like a printer as the rest of the oc's were trying to come up with some ideas to draw some toons)

Twistar: (Finishes) Done, my Make-A-Toon Machine is done! What about you guys?

Generous: We try to find some ideas for a toon.

Catherine: Okay, almost done and... done! (Shows a picture of a blue toon with bunny ears and wearing a yellow bow tie and red trousers and clown shoes and has a red nose) What do you think?

Generous: It's nice, Catherine.

Catherine: What we'll do now?

Twistar: Well, my invention Make-A-Toon Machine will make this drawing come to life!

The oc's: How?

Twistar: I'll show you. (Grabs the drawing)

(She puts it in the Make-A-Toon Machine and it sucks the drawing. Then it begins shaking and shanking until the paper came out blank and from the machine emerged the toon now alive)

Blue bunny toon: Hello! Would you like to hear a joke?

Twistar: It worked! It really worked!!!

Blue bunny toon: Here's a funny one. Why was six afraid of seven? Cause seven ate nine!

(The oc's laugh)

Little Miss Crazy: He sure is funny!

Clara: Awesome!

(After the oc's left with the toon, Terence begins playing around with the sketchy drawings on the paper. However, he accidentally kicked his ball of yarn and it hit the drawings causing them to fall everywhere, then it hit a fan and then turned on the Make-A-Toon Machine. The drawings fell in here and begin coming to life, much to Terence's shock. Meanwhile, with the oc's)

Generous: Nice job, toony.

Thunder: Now you stay here until we find a real toon you can enteirtain.

(The oc's leave)

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