The lost princess (Part 2)

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(Soon, the oc's were on a boat)

Twistar: Here. I bought you a dress

Snowy: (Holds it up, laughing) You bought me a tent. (Pokes her head inside it)

Twistar: What're you looking for?

Snowy: The Mixel Circus. I think it's still in here.

Twistar: Come on, just put it on. (Leaves)

(At the deck of the ship, the oc's were waiting while Dominic and Fireball played chess)

Dominic: Checkmate, again!

Fireball: Wait, you cheated again!

Dominic: (Chuckles)

Rose: (To Generous) Well, she is almost ready, but she still needs more practice.

Generous: And maybe more help, she's blind remember?

Twistar: (Hears this, worried)

(Snowy appears on deck wearing her new dress all fixed up)

Rose: Wonderful! Marvelous! And now you are you're dressed for a ball, you will learn to dance for one as well. Twi.

Twistar: But I'm not very good at it...

(Snowy puts out her arms to dance. She awkwardly positions himself to dance with her. Rose counts off them into the waltz and then steps back to watch)

Rose: And... one- two- three. One- two- three... No, no, Snowy. You don't lead. Let her.

(The mixel girls continue dancing)

Twistar: That dress is really beautiful.

Snowy: Do you think so?

Twistar: Yes. I mean it was nice on the hanger, but it looks even better on you. Yo-you should wear it.

Snowy: I am wearing it.

Twistar: Oh, right of course, of course, you are. I'm just trying to give you a...

Snowy: Compliment?

Twistar: Of course, yes.

(She smiles. They swirl into the dance, at first awkward, but little by little gaining in grace)

Snowy: I'm feeling a little dizzy.

Twistar: Kind of light-headed?

Snowy: Yeah.

Twistar: Me too. Probably from the spinning. (Stops dancing with Snowy) Maybe we should stop.

Snowy: We have stopped.

(Twistar and Snowy begin to fall into a kiss)

Twistar: Snowy, I ...

Snowy: Yes?

(Wolfie starts barking at Twistar)

Twistar: You're doing fine. (Leaves)

(That night the oc's are in a cabin sleeping)

Snowy: (Whispering to Lula) Oh ... are you all right?

Lula: Fine, fine. Just riddled with envy., Look at her, (Indicating Annabelle). She can sleep through anything.

Clara: (Plays some classic music then notices Snowy is drawn to it) Nice music, isn't it?

Snowy: It... it reminds me of ... Something special ... something to do with a secret. (Laughs) Is that possible?

Bailey: Anything's possible. You taught Twistar how to waltz, didn't you?

Thunder: ... Sleep well, your majesty.

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