Looking through the windows

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(Somewhere in Toontown, Generous and Thunder were helping Sun Winter who was in a wheelchair and had his right back leg on a cast)

Thunder: (Chuckles) Did you had a fun time at the hospital Sunny?

Sun Winter: Ha ha ha, very funny, Thunder.

Generous: I'm really sorry you have to spend the rest of the summer like this.

Sun Winter: I should have known that I would fall on the ground.

Thunder: Yeah, you wanted to do this jump to the pool showoff, and we warned you that you would get hurt.

Sun Winter: I didn't know this water was shallow.

Generous: It's okay, Sun. We all make mistakes. For now, you'll be in a hotel until you feel better.

Sun Winter: (Sighs) I guess so.

Generous: Don't worry, I'll take care of Daisy and Dayana.

Sun Winter: I'm glad you will.

Thunder: (Gives him a telescope) Here, have fun with this in case you are bored.

Sun Winter: Thanks....

Generous: Here we are.

(They stop at a hotel. Later, Sun Winter looked around with his telescope from the window)

Sun Winter: (Sighs) Just a few hours in here, and nothing. Meh, who cares? After all it's not right spying in other people's jobs...

(Sun was about to turn away when suddenly a female scream was heard. Sun prepared the telescope and looked from where the scream was coming from. It came from Roger Rabbit's house as he looked down with his hands on his head looking horrified)

Roger Rabbit: Oh my gosh! What have I done?! (Closes the window)

Sun Winter: Can't be what it looks like, this is Roger we're talking about... (Sighs) I must be tired.

(Later that night, Sun was sleeping when he suddenly wakes up to the sound of the thunder. He opened the curtains of the window and saw it was raining. However, he saw something and took his telescope to look. He was shocked to find that Roger Rabbit was digging up something in his backyard)

Sun Winter: No, this can't be what it looks like! There's gotta be some other explanation!

Roger Rabbit: I wish there was some other explanation for this, but there isn't! I'm a murderer! I'm a murderer!

Sun Winter: Then that's not the real Roger Rabbit.

Roger Rabbit: I'M A MURDERER!!!!!!!

(Thunder strike)

(The next day, Sun spied on Roger as he was talking to Benny the cab)

Benny the cab: Hey Roger. Where is Jessica?

Roger Rabbit: Well, she's not here. She's somewhere

Benny the cab: Oh, well, wherever she is I want to go there too.

Sun Winter: He's gonna kill Benny too, and maybe Baby Herman! That's horrible!!! I gotta warn the others!!!

(Soon, the oc's and their love interests came)

Sun Winter: Listen, Roger Rabbit murdered Jessica Rabbit!

Thunder: Oh, come on.

Twistar: I wish you'd stop spreading bad rumors about people.

Sun Winter: But it's true I saw him.

Little Miss Crazy: Don't be silly, Sun. Roger's a toon. He would never got into that kind of violence. Or could he?

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