Something Smelly

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(Once again, it was morning in Equestria and in Ponyville, Generous was inside her house, in her bedroom, sleeping. Her alarm clock goes off and she gets up, and flies at her big calendar)

Generous: Wow, it's Sunday, Terence! Guess what's for breakfast?

Terence: (Rolls his eyes) Meow.

(They both arrived at the kitchen)

Generous: That's right! (Puts a bowl on the kitchen counter) A sundae! (Runs to the freezer and finds it empty) Whoops... Looks like we're out of ice cream. Guess I'll have to use something else... Ketchup! (Runs back to the bowl with a big bottle of Ketchup. She squeezes a bunch of ketchup into the bowl. She runs over to a cupboard) Hmmm... Bananas... Cherries... Boring. (Closes cupboard door) Ah, here we go! Onions! (Runs up to the counter with two sacks that say "onions" on them) Ready, Terence?

Terence: Meow. (Plays a violin while Generous cries while peeling the onions into the bowl)

Generous: Just one more thing! Pea... (Opens up another cupboard, but finds an empty jar) ...nuts. Terence! (Walks over to Terence while shaking the empty jar) Our peanuts jar is totally empty! (Terence burps) Hmmm... Wait! I know one other place we can find peanuts. (Looks in the bathroom and finds a peanut plant in front of the window) Good thing I still have these peanut plants growing in the windowsill. (Throws the plant into the sundae bowl) A little texture never hurt. There we go. (Gets out a spoon) This sundae's gonna taste great! (Turns around) Aren't you going to help me, Terence? Terence? Oh, well. More for me! (Takes a few spoonfuls)

(Soon Generous comes out of the kitchen with a bunch of stink coming out with her. She drops her spoon while Terence hides behind a plant)

Generous: You know what they say, Terence. I'm easy like Sunday morning. ("morning" comes out of Generous' mouth and wraps itself around Terence, twisting him)

(Generous gets out of her house)

Generous: Okay, let's head to Toontown. (Flies off)

(She arrives at Toontown, and runs up to a citizen)

Generous: Hello. (The citizen runs off in disgust of her bad breath as Generous waves) Some people are even late on Sunday. (Notices a mailman) Hi, Mailman. (The mailman smells Generous' bad breath, and he breaks his skin into a smaller man and then into another smaller man. Geneorus hears a whistling noise) Hi, Mrs. Crossing Guard! (The crossing guard gets a whiff of her bad breath)

Mrs. Crossing Guard: Mother of mercy! (Children walk across the street and then the sound of a crashing car sounds, but it's revealed to actually be a parade)

Generous: Wow! A parade! Hi, parade! (The band stops) Hi, tuba player, hi, drummer, hi, guy with the cymbals, hi, trumpeter, hi, tambourine girl, hi, timbale man, hi, didgeridoo player, (Didgeridoo player wears a big skirt, hat, sunglasses) hi, triangle player, hi, guy with the kettle drum, hi, pianist, hi, guy with the flute. And heeelllooo, Dolly! (The stench ball rolls down the street, knocking the band out like a bunch of bowling pins and scattering them about. They all run out wailing in pain and disgust. The whole town is soon deserted)

Generous: Was it something I said? (Walks down the street) Something weird is going on today. Everyone is running away from me. And now... (Notices a giant blue wad) ...giant piles of blue cotton candy?! Oh, what next?

(It is eventually revealed to be Thunder)

Thunder: Hi, GC.

Generous: Oh, hi, Thunder. I'm confused.

Thunder: Why?

Generous: Thunder, everyone is running away from me. Watch. (Walks over to a building) Hi, building! (The stench bounces off the building, and it slowly moves away. Generous walks back to Thunder) I just don't get it.

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