2 | A Note 💌

380 17 2

Zoro slipped the note under Sanji's door quickly, trying not to be noticed. He scurried away back to his house and hid behind a bush, watching as Sanji opened the door. The blonde man bent down and picked up the letter, opening it slowly. As Sanji read, he chuckled and put the letter in his gown before closing his door once more.

Dear Neighbour...

I know we only met last night, but I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out with me? This may sound weird, but I really enjoyed your company when I saw you for the first time. I wanted to see if you wanted to be friends, or more?"

My phone number __________

From Next Door xx

Zoro cringed at the sight, Sanji must think that he's a total idiot. He straightened up and walked back to his house, opening the door and stepping inside. He walked up the stairs and into his bedroom before looking out the window where he could see Sanji. Their houses were aligned so that Zoro could see Sanji through his bedroom window, and Sanji could see Zoro through his own. 

Zoro watched as Sanji walked out of view and picked something up before walking back the other side.

He's like a prince, so graceful and elegant 

Zoro's phone started to ring from his bedside table. He walked over and picked it up, swiping to turn on the call.

Luffy: Hey Zoro!

Zoro: Hey Luffy

Luffy: How is it, not too many rats?

Zoro: What rats?

Luffy: nothing, forget I said anything 

Zoro: It's good, I met the neighbor you were talking about

Luffy: really!? He's a hairdresser and makeup artist, he can also cook really well!

Zoro: he's a hairdresser?

Luffy: yep! He owns his own business, he only does woman's hair though!

Zoro: That's the gayest profession anyone could have.

Luffy: he is, I think.

Zoro: how do you know that?

Luffy: I think he's married, to a guy

Zoro ended the call.

Did I seriously ask out a married man?!

His face turned red as he face planted on his bed. He was the most embarrassed he had ever been. But didn't Sanji say he lived alone? Why would he lie about that? Maybe he didn't want to say that he was gay.

I better go and apologize

Maybe I shouldn't, I should probably just hide from him

Yeah that makes better sense

But what if he thinks I'm rude?

He might forget that I ever existed if I don't see him again?

Yeah I think I'll just hide from him...

*Ding Dong~*

Zoro sighed and got up before walking down the stairs to see who was outside. He opened the door before speaking to the person.

"Yes wha-?"


Zoro stared at the thin air. 

Did I just get ding dong ditched?

Zoro groaned and started to shut the door before noticing a white, neatly decorated card on his doorstep. He picked it up and turned it around.

~To Zoro~

He blushed and shut the door before immediately opening the card. He pulled the red paper out of the envelope and folded it out, gracing his eyes on the beautiful calligraphy that was written in gold pen.



Thank you very much for your invitation! I would be more than happy to go with you to whatever destination you desire, and thank you so much for your kind words about me, I really appreciate it. If you want any suggestions for where you would like us to go, may I recommend Star gazing? I know a spot not too far from here!

From Sanji xx 



Zoro looked like he had ran a marathon. His face was red as a campfire, and he felt like ascending to heaven

Wait, I thought he was married?

To be continued...

💌 Dear Neighbour...💋| Zosan ❤️Where stories live. Discover now