3 | A Date? 🍸

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It's a date!

Zoro thought to himself as he dressed. He was going with his neighbour to watch the stars, romantic but casual. He was excited, but also a bit nervous. What if Sanji told him to F off, because he has a husband and all of that. Zoro didn't want to tear a family apart, but Sanji was just too pretty to turn down (even though Zoro did technically make the first move).

Zoro zipped up his black jacket and pulled on his shoes. He rushed downstairs and picked up the flowers that he bought about ten minutes ago when the date became official. They were red roses, matching Sanji's romantic style. Zoro opened the door and ran to Sanji's house, hoping he was on time. He was about to nock on the door before the latch clicked and it opened.

"Good evening Zoro," Sanji said, his smile making Zoro's heart dance round in circles.

"G-good evening to you too s-sir," Zoro said, not realising the words that just fell out of his mouth.

"No need to be so formal!" Sanji said, giggling cutely.

"Sorry, I was just surprised!" Zoro said, trying his best not to die of embarrassment.

"So, shall I show you the way?" Sanji asked. Zoro nodded his head and followed the young man to the car that was parked neatly nearby.

"I'll drive, just sit back and relax!" Sanji said, giving Zoro that adorable smile once again.

The night sprung across the sky, Zoro looked out of the window and smiled.

It's beautiful...

"We're here!" Sanji said, stopping the car. They both stepped and walked a bit until they found the perfect spot. They both sat down on the grass and watched the stars are they moved peacefully across the sky.

"It's beautiful tonight, isn't it?" Sanji said as he lay his head back on the grass.

"Not as beautiful as you, sweetheart," Zoro said, winking at him. Sanji chuckled and sighed.

"You flatter me, you really do." Sanji said, rolling over to Zoro and smiling.

"Can I ask you a question?" Zoro asked.

"Go ahead," Sanji said.

"My friend Luffy told me that you were um... married? I just wanted to say that I don't think we should be a thing if you're two timing on your partner," Zoro said. He didn't want to make anyone upset, so this was for the best.

"Oh, no no. I divorced my husband a while ago now, well, he divorced me I guess." Sanji said. Zoro raised an eyebrow, happy to know that Sanji wasn't taken, but sad for his loss.

"Really? Do you mind if I ask what happened?" Zoro asked, trying not to sound too nosy.

"I- he-... I guess I just want to push it behind me now, and start a new life." Sanji said, frowning softly and looking back up at the stars.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me, I'll be supportive no matter what." Zoro said turning to Sanji and leaning towards him.

"Thank you, It's been lonely without someone with me," Sanji said, forcing a smile upon his face.

"I promise to stay with you forever," Zoro said.

"Forever is a long time, will you be able to put up with me for that long?" Sanji said before they both giggled and chatted until the night sky cleared of light.


"It's late, we should probably get going now," Sanji said, standing up and dusting the grass off his jeans.

"Sure," Zoro said, straightening up and making his way back before Sanji grabbed his arm.

"Wait!" Sanji said, looking into Zoro's eyes. 

"Yes?" Zoro said, blush sprinkling across his face from Sanji's expression.

"C-can I... kiss you?" Sanji asked, embarrassed at the words he spoke.

Zoro chuckled.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Zoro said before pulling Sanji in and kissing him passionately. Sanji melted in Zoro's warmth, he wanted to kiss him for hours on end. He felt safe in Zoro's arms, he felt loved.

"You're a good kisser," Sanji said as he panted softly.

"It's my first time," Zoro said, catching Sanji's attention.

"Really? You seem like the type of guy to attract lots of girls," Sanji laughed.

"My alpha pheromones came in a lot later than a normal persons would, so I didn't actually have any lovers or partners," Zoro said, a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, sorry if that made you sad-,"

"Of course not, it's a pleasure to have you as my first love," Zoro said, embracing Sanji and smiling widely.

"We should go back now, before the monsters come!" Sanji joked running back to the car. Zoro laughed and chased him, eventually falling over and into the car. They laughed and joke for the entire way back. It was the best day of both their lives.

To be continued...

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