11 | Never ❌

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"What do you want Peter?" Sanji asked the man at the door.

"I want my fucking child back." He said, scowling at Sanji.

"Yuki isn't yours, specially not when you hit him!" Sanji shouted, backing away as Peter shifted closer to him.

"He isn't mine, he's some random guys' kid. Your not responsible to take care of a child, so give him back." Peter said, grabbing the collar of Sanji's shirt.

"It better if he's with and irresponsible parent than an abuser!" Sanji shouted, trying to pull away.

"You're a cheating little bitch, you went out and got laid because you were bored! Now we have a kid!" Peter shouted.

"That wasn't my damn fault! The guy was just trying to help me, otherwise I would have been found by someone else who would have done much worse!" Sanji shouted back as he kicked and squirmed.

"You shouldn't have gone out during a heat! You knew that you get them heavy, so why did you go out!?" 

"I wanted to get away from you! Let me go!" Sanji shouted.

"Let you go? Ha! I dont think I will." Peter said before raising his fist and sending towards Sanji's face.


Peters fist was caught by Zoro, who had eyes like demons painted on his face.

"Who the fuck are you?" Peter said, backing away from Zoro.

"I'm his fiancé," Zoro said, standing in front of Sanji and shielding him.

"Ha! Fiancé?!" Peter shouted.

"Yes, so please take your leave now sir," Zoro said.

"Me? Leave? You must have lost your mind!" Peter said.

"I would respect it if I didn't have to use violence towards you." Zoro said, trying to hide the fact that he wanted to beat the shit out of the guy.

"Give me my fucking child before I kill you!" Peter shouted, trying to get through Zoro and into the house.

"Hey! Yuki doesn't want to be anywhere near you, so there's no point in taking him back," Zoro said, pushing Peter away.

"Fuck you! I'll kill y-,"

He was quick to be silent when Zoro pulled out his officer badge.

"I don't want to take legal action, so please step away and leave my boyfriend and his child alone," Zoro said as Peter gazed on the golden police badge.

"Ha! You think I'm scared of a tiny, shitty badge?!" 

"Please leave the site before I arrest you," Zoro said.

"Fine! I'll leave! But I'll be back soon, with my fucking lawyer!" Peter shouted before walking backwards.

"You're a fucking bitch Sanji! You're a shitty whore who love getting laid by random strangers even when you're married! Go fuck yourself!" Peter shouted, getting into his car and driving away. He gave Zoro and Sanji his middle finger before driving out of sight.

Zoro sighed and closed the door, walking back inside with Sanji close to his chest.

"He's a really shitty guy, isn't he?" Zoro said as Sanji buried his face in his shoulder.

"Yeah..." Sanji mumbled.

"How did you even manage to meet a guy like that? Let alone marry him," Zoro said, stroking Sanji's blonde hair.

"I met him at a club, he was kinda nice. But he raped me a couple times during our relationship," Sanji said as they walked up the stairs into their bedroom. 

"Jesus, that's terrible." Zoro said as Sanji unattached himself from him. 

"He made sure I didn't leave the relationship, until he thought I cheated on him. Then he finally set me free, and I managed to escape to this house I call home. With you," Sanji said after lying down on his bed next to Zoro.

"You're safe now, I would never let anyone hurt you again," Zoro smiled, rolling over and embracing Sanji tightly.

"Thank you,"

To be continued...

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