24 | School 🏫

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"Hello? Is this Sanji Black?" The woman said from the other side of the phone.

"No, this is Roronoa Zoro. Sanji is currently at work, so could I take the information for him?" Zoro said.

"It's about Yuki,"


"Go on."

"Yuki had a fight with another boy, and I need a guardian to come and pick him up. Would you be alright with coming down?"

"Who won?"

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, I'll be on my way."

Zoro hung up and grabbed his keys before making his way to the door.


"Ah, there you are Mr Roronoa!" A woman said. She had dark brown hair that reached past her shoulders, and a pair of round glasses hung off the end of her nose.

"Where's Yuki?" Zoro asked, looking around the room where he expected Yuki to be.

"He's in the office at the moment, I was thinking you might want something to drink?"

"Take me to Yuki."

"Are you sure you don't want to have a small chat over a drink?"

"I'm only here to pick my friends kid, I'm not interested in idle chit-chat."

"O-okay then, follow me."

Zoro followed the woman until they reached a room. It was painted a blinding white and had photo's of past students on the walls. Yuki sat on a chair, looking into his hands. Zoro immediately noticed the bruise on his cheek.

"Yuki! Are you okay?" Zoro quickly hugged Yuki and patted him on the back.

"Sir, I remind you that Yuki was indeed the first to hurt the other boy physically." The woman said, her eyes sharp as she looked at Yuki.

"I haven't heard his side of the story yet, so I will not make any judgements." Zoro said, stroking Yuki's shoulder. Yuki looked upset, his eyes were red, he had obviously been shouted at by the teacher.

"Well, I will be having a follow up conversation after the weekend, with parents from both sides. I assume Sanji Black will be there, am I right?" The woman asked.

"I will accompany him." Zoro said, standing up and taking Yuki's hand.

"Hold on, before you leave... could you possible put your phone number on my phone, just for um... future references?" She handed him her phone with the new contact already open, she was trying to make a move on a married man.

"I'm sorry miss, but I don't have the time for such nonsense. I am simply not interested." Zoro said coldly, walking to the door with Yuki watching it with a confused expression.

"Oh, that's okay then! Sorry for bothering you, Mr. Blacks friend." She said, giving a bow, hoping he would reconsider.

"Friend? I'll have you know that I am more than a friend." Zoro scoffed, turning back around.

"Then.. what is your friendship with Mr. Black? I assumed you were a friend picking up Yuki for him, are you perhaps a babysitter?" The woman asked.

"I shall have you know, I neither work for Sanji, and neither am I his friend." Zoro slowly lifted the finger that had his engagement ring on.

"I am his husband. I hope that clears some things up."


"Hello my little pumpkin!" Zeff said, kneeling on the ground so Yuki could run into his arms. Sanji leaned on the doorframe, wearing his signature pink apron. He smiled when he saw Zoro leave his car and walk towards him.

"I heard that the school called." Sanji said, putting his hands on Zoro's shoulders.

"Yeah, Yuki go into a fight. They called and I told them you were at work but they said he needed to be picked up immediately, so I went over. I think I was also hit on by his teacher."

"Ha! That's hilarious! You? Hit on? A woman seriously wants to hit on a green himbo like you?!" Sanji laughed so hard that he nearly fell over.

"I thought you'd be jealous," Zoro said, upset that he didn't get the reaction he wanted. He had always wanted to see jealous Sanji.

"Of course not! Who would be jealous of y- OW!" Zeff hit Sanji on the head, stopping him from saying something shitty."

"Be nice, or he'll leave you." Zeff said, carrying Yuki inside. 

"Old geezer..."

"Are we going inside or are you going to leave me out here?" Zoro asked.

"I would leave you, but I'm afraid you might be picked up by a bird and fed to its children. Come inside." Sanji said, opening the door wider so Zoro could step in. Zeff was already at the table, chatting to Yuki about school.

"Hey you two! Come over here, we need to chat about something." Zeff said before shooing Yuki away so he could talk to the 'adults'.

"Uh, yes?" Zoro and Sanji sat down at the table.

"We need to talk, about your relationship."

To be continued...


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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