6 | Sunflowers 🌻

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Sanji yawned and opened his eyes. He got out of bed and headed over to where Yuki was sleeping.

Sanji nocked on the door. He heard a little noise come from inside the room, a boy telling him that he may enter.

"Hey papa," Yuki said, smiling over at Sanji with a crayon in his hand.

"Good morning honey, watcha doing?" Sanji asked, walking over to the desk where Yuki was sat.

"I'm drawing!" Yuki said, smiling widely.

"Ooo, can I see?" Sanji asked, peeking over Yuki's shoulder.

"Yup, it's a picture of me, papa and the green guy!" Sanji's eyes widened.

Does he mean Zoro?

"That's wonderful Yuki!" Sanji said, patting him on the back.

"Why was that green guy here yesterday?" Yuki asked, looking up at Sanji.

"His name is Zoro, me and him like each other very much, so we spend a lot of time together." Sanji said, trying to explain it in the most simple way possible.

"But what about Dad?" 

"We won't be seeing Dad any time soon, is your shoulder alright?" Sanji asked, softly touching a large bruise on Yuki's shoulder.

"Yep! It doesn't hurt anymore," Yuki said cheerfully.

"That's good. I'll make some breakfast and then we can go water the garden, how does that sound?" Sanji asked, patting Yuki gently on the head.

"Fun! I'll be down in a minute!" Yuki said before continuing his drawing.


Yuki ate his breakfast happily as Sanji sat next to him, looking at the news.

"Yummy! I'm done now, can we go water the flowers Papa?" Yuki asked, walking over to the sink and washing his plate.

"Of course, leave the washing up to me honey," Sanji said, gently patting Yuki on the head. He hopped down from the sink and followed Sanji outside. 

The sun beamed down brightly and Sanji's well-kept garden sparkled in many different colours. Yuki picked up the watering can that Sanji made for him years ago and filled it up with water.

"What flowers are we watering first?" Sanji asked, looking out onto the grass.

"Hmm, I wanna do the sunflowers!" Yuki said before hopping over to a bush with bright yellow flowers scattered all around it.

"Make sure you don't use all the water on them!" Sanji reminded him as he also walked over to help Yuki.

"Hey Papa?"

"Yeah?" Sanji turned his head to Yuki who had a joyful expression.

"These flowers... they remind me of you!" Sanji smiled.

"Why do they remind you of me?" Sanji asked, patting Yuki gently.

"They're yellow, and there called sunflowers because they are so bright and they look like the sun!" Yuki said as he skipped over to the next flower.

"You think I'm like the sun?" Sanji asked.

"Yep, because you light up the world!" Sanji giggled lightly.

"Oh, and the leaves! The leaves remind me of green guy, because they protect the sunflowers. They look cold and mean but when you get to know them, they are really nice!" Yuki smiled. Sanji felt a sensation in his stomach that he had never felt before.

"Since when did leaves look so cold and mean?" Sanji asked.

"Some of them are spiky, and they hurt my hands. But I know that they are just trying to protect their sunflower friend, and they don't mean to make me sad," 

"You think I look cold and mean?" Sanji turned around and gazed on the image of Zoro leaning on the fence, watching him and Yuki water the flowers.

"Zoro? What are you doing?" Sanji asked.

"Green guy!" Yuki said, he was hesitant at first, but eventually walked over and waved.

"Hey little bud," Zoro said, smiling warmly to Yuki.

"Yuki, please may you start calling this man Zoro, instead of green guy." Sanji said to Yuki awkwardly.

"Oh, okay!" Yuki said.

"I just came back from work, thought I might pop in and say hi," Zoro said to Sanji before watching Yuki skip off and continue to water the garden.

"That's nice, do you wanna come over later? My dad is coming to pick up Yuki and take him somewhere fun for the night," Sanji said.

"Sure, I don't really have anything better to do," Zoro said, making Sanji laugh.

"Of course you don't. Alright then, it's a date," Sanji said.

To be continued...

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