4 | Phone Call 📞

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Zoro pressed on the doorbell outside Sanji's house, a loud ring came from inside and he heard shuffling noises echo around the house. The door clicked open and Sanji smiled as he stood at the entrance.

"Hello there, my little Moss," Sanji said, his cute smile spreading wider across his face.

"Good afternoon to you too, I got your message," Zoro replied, smirking cheekily at the blonde.

"Well don't just stand there! It's freezing, come inside!" Sanji as he hustled Zoro inside. Zoro walked into the warm house, it was tinted orange and was so neat. Sanji led him into the kitchen where he ushered Zoro to sit down.

"I'll make some food, I used to work in a restaurant so I know what I'm doing," Sanji chuckled.

"That's cool, where do you work now?" Zoro asked.

"Aha, I set up my own hairdressers. Though I don't work on weekends, I work long shifts since it's only me and another guy," Sanji said.

That's kinda gay.

Zoro smiled, "do you take male clients?"

"I only take female clients, but sometimes I would make an exception," Sanji said as he continued to work on making the food.

"Where do you work?" Sanji asked.

"Hm? I just got a job as a police officer, I specialize in combat," Zoro said.

"Wow, that's pretty awesome! I could barely hold my own against a fish!" Sanji joked. Zoro laughed before a ball of fur suddenly jumped on the counter and scared Zoro a bit.

"Hey Missy! Do you want some food?" Sanji asked as he stroked the beautiful white cats soft fur.

"You have a cat?" Zoro asked.

"Yep, two to be exact, this one here is called Missy. The other one is called Ciao," Sanji said before placing a soft kiss on the top of the furry cats hair.

"Sometimes they get sad when I leave, so I take them with me to the hairdresser. They enjoy getting pets from my clients when I work," Sanji added. Zoro could picture it in his mind, Sanji playing with his hair as a cat purrs in his lap.

"So do you-,"




Sanji picked up his phone and put it up to his ear. Zoro heard a small muffled voice over the phone as Sanji's face became panicked and almost scared.

"Sanji?" Zoro said quietly.

"Yes, I'll be right there in a minute, hang on for me honey!" Sanji said, hanging up and quickly grabbing his keys.

"Sanji? You okay?" Zoro asked.

"I need to go really quickly, I'll explain once I get back!" Sanji shouted behind him as he ran out of the door, closing it behind him.

Honey? Has he already got bored of me?

To be continued...

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