21 | Christmas Surprise 💫

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Sanji was pretty much healed now, so he could cook and all that. Its the 24th of December, Christmas eve. Sanji had some guests coming over in a couple hours, they were mainly neighbors or good friends. Sanji stood in the kitchen, cooking a meal for later.

"Do you want me to help with anything babe?" Zoro walked over, rubbing Sanji's hips.

"Not really, do you think you can call Yuki down? He might want to help decorate the tree." Sanji said, pointing over to the pine tree in the corner.

"Okay. Yuki!"

Yuki came running down the stairs, smiling happily.

"Yeah?" Yuki asked.

"Do you want to help Zoro decorate the tree?" Sanji asked.

"Okay!" Yuki said, opening the box of decorations that Sanji bought a couple days ago.

"Go help him Zoro, he not tall enough." Sanji said. Zoro sighed and walked over to Yuki who struggled to put a decoration on a branch.


The doorbell rang. Sanji opened the door.

"Hey Robin, Franky and..." Sanji looked down at a young girl who looked about Yuki's age.

"Nilou," Robin said, the young girl with purple hair holding onto her leg.

"Well hello there Nilou," Sanji said, waving to her.

"Its nice to meet you sir," Nilou said, smiling and bowing her head to Sanji.

"Call me Sanji, I have a son your age, he's just over there!" Sanji pointed to Yuki. Nilou smiled before walking over to Yuki and introducing herself.

"Come in!" Sanji stood to the side so Robin and Franky could walk in.

"Thank you very much Sanji-san." Robin said as she walked in.

More people arrived later, the guests included: Robin, Franky, Nilou, Nami, Usopp, Luffy, Chopper, Brooke (who brought his violin) and Law. Sanji watched as Yuki played with Nilou in the corner next to the Christmas tree, Sanji was happy he had finally made a friend.

"Foods ready!" Sanji shouted, bringing the food over. He took light steps and tried to keep his balance but the plates were too heavy, Sanji wobbled and nearly fell over. But of course, Zoro grabbed his waist and pulled him in.

"Careful, your still not fully recovered." Zoro said, leaning in and kissing Sanji's forehead.

"I'll be alright~," Sanji smirked as he continued walking after Zoro took a couple plates from him.

Sanji lay the plates on the table and sat down with the rest of them.

"You've outdone yourself Sanji-ya." Law said, smiling warmly up at Sanji.

"Ah, no problem. It makes me happy to know that you enjoy it." Sanji said. Out of the corner of his eye, Sanji saw a hand reaching for the large plate of meat.

"Hey, no touching Luffy!" Sanji swatted Luffy's hand away and growled at him (not in a furry way).


"Zoro said he wanted to say something," Sanji said, looking over to the green haired man he called his boyfriend. He was dressed smartly for this small occasion, he wore a green and yellow tie and a white shirt paired with dark jeans. Odd, Zoro always said he hated wearing uncomfortable clothing.

"Indeed," Zoro pushed his chair aside and pulled Sanji up from the table. They now stood together at the head of the table, everyone looking at them. Zoro took Sanji's hands into his own and looked into his deep blue eyes.



"Ever since I met you, late at night on your front doorstep, I knew we were meant to be together. I now this might sound awfully gentlemen-like of me, but I want to speak about how much I love you." Zoro said. Blush crept up to Sanji's cheeks.

"I know times have been hard, with fucking Peter and all that. But I want you to know that I will help you move on, I will whisk you away to some place that is away from the past with people like him. I swear to protect you with my life, and I'll protect Yuki too, as his father. I love you Sanji, I love you to bits, and I would do anything to be with you forever. My first love, and my last love. I am yours, and you are mine. So I wanted to ask-,"

Zoro knelt down and pulled out a velvet black box from his pocket. He heard the others gasp as he opened the top to reveal the ring, the stone inside the exact shade and color of Sanji's eyes.

"Will you, marry me?" Zoro asked, looking at Sanji with a smile. Sanji's face lit up and he threw himself into Zoro, making them both land on the floor.

"Yes! I will!" A tear leaked from Sanji's eye as they hugged and kissed. The others stood up and clapped loudly, cheering and crying (Usopp and Brooke).

"Careful, I don't want another trip to the hospital!" Zoro said as Sanji giggled and climbed on him.

"I love you Zoro! I love you so much!" Sanji said, kissing Zoro on the floor.

"I love you too Sanji," Zoro said, slipping the ring onto Sanji's finger.

To be continued...

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