Chapter 1

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Twenty-one Years Ago


I would never tell the others, but I always preferred it down here. It was much warmer. And I'm not just talking about the temperature, even though it is true, it is warmer in the lowest tier of the kingdom. No, it's because the people are much nicer. The families are closer, the communities more welcoming.


There was a common phrase amongst the low tiers. An inside joke, with a double entendre.

"They say the high tiers are the coldest people."

I'm not a high tier myself. I'm a bit of a floater. Truly, we all are. Regardless, the patrol missions to the low tier were my favorite. Tonight, however, was especially brisk as I walked the street, my hand gliding through the cloud beside me.

Perhaps a cold front was coming?

A sound attracted my attention. A cry piercing the quiet, still night air. It sounded like a baby's at first and I almost ignored it. It very well could've been a skycat, and even if it was a babe, unfortunately it was a common occurrence for one to be left on the streets. There was nothing I could do about it.

Why did her face look so similar?

Without even realizing it, I had gravitated towards the baby where she lay on a cloud beside the street. It was as if she had a magnetic pull on me. Looking at her face a moment longer, my heart's rhythm slowly picked up its pace as it came back to me.

It couldn't be... But how did she end up here? None of this makes any sense.

I flew back to the headquarters that day doing something I made everyone promise they never would. And it would cost me everything later.


"What is that?!" they said immediately as I walked through the headquarter doors.

"What? Never seen a baby before?" I spat back.

High tiers are the coldest people, I reminded myself.

They immediately lowered their heads. "I apologize General Azriel, sir. But your policy-"

"I am very aware of my policy. You will wait, along with everyone else for the explanation. Gather everyone and we will discuss it in the boardroom."

They nodded, immediately going to do as I ordered. A moment later and I stood before everyone in the boardroom. Normally, I was right in my element standing before them all. Today would be the first day in a long time it made me nervous.

"I came across an orphan in the low tier. For reasons only for me and a select few to know, she will be remaining here with us, to be trained as one of us."

"You've got to be out of your mind!" someone said.

"But it took me years to get in," someone else said.

"Why her?" was the last phrase I allowed before silencing them.

"Enough! We will accept her as one of our own and that is the end of the conversation.... And her name will be Maeve."


Eighteen Years Later


Today was my exam. The day I prove to all the snobs that I do indeed belong here. Why else would he have chosen me as an orphan? I admired my wings one last time, knowing in my heart it would be the last time I'd wear them. Once I passed the exam, I wouldn't need them.

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