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Over the next few weeks I apologized to Danny for being so stubborn and not letting him tell the story. We would always reply with,

"It's okay, Addison"

But deep down, we both knew it damaged our relationship. Things didn't return to complete normality for almost two months. We tried to pretend that nothing had happened, but it didn't work. One of us would always end up looking at the other with sad eyes, knowing what could have happened.

"We don't have cringy pet names for each other yet."

Danny said, out of the blue one day.

"Yeah, I guess we don't...."

"We'll come up with them in time, princess."

That made me red. I looked at him wide eyed with a huge weirded out half-smile on my face.

"That's gonna stick, isn't it."

"Yep. Definitely."

He kissed me, but pulled away quicker than normal. I didn't think much of it, considering that we had just started snuggling up on the couch again, maybe he just wasn't ready to kiss me again.

"Well, darling, it can't be all that bad."

He looked at me the same way I had looked at him. We both started laughing until tears rolled down our faces. Sam walked in and just stared at us until we finally straightened out.

"Hey Sam"

Danny said, still trying not to laugh

"Hey Daniel, we're gonna have dinner tonight at our place if you two wanna come."

"Okay, you don't seem to happy about that-"

"I didn't sleep last night"


"Jake and Josh wouldn't shut up"

Sam said, staring blankly at us

"You could have came to my place"

"Or here, you realize that, right?"

"Well, I didn't last night. Anyways, are you two going to try and come or??"

"I'll be there, Danny?"

"Yeah I'll come too"

"Okay, but no intense making out at the dinner table"

"Sam, shut up and go get some sleep"


Sam said, walking out of the house. When Sam left I turned the TV on just to have some background noise. When I sat back down from grabbing the remote I noticed Danny looking at me.

"Everything okay?"


"Then why do you look like a lost dog on the side of the street begging for food"

"Because your so beautiful"

"Danny, stop trying to flatter me"

"I'm not, if it wasn't for your immense beauty and kindness, then maybe I wouldn't have this issue"

I laughed at his remark, when I looked back up at him, he pulled me closer and kissed me. He kissed me like he had never kissed me before, it was gentle, but so sexy. I adjusted my face to I could reach his lips easier. When we finally pulled away, we looked at each other again, this time with a little more lust. It took me a second to realize I wasn't breathing, but when I did I had to gasp for air.

Angel With Dark Honey Eyes- Danny WagnerWhere stories live. Discover now