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School was finally over. By the end of the day Buffy had asked me to come to her basketball game. I hesitated at first but then I agreed because Andi practically begged me to go. I had told them next time they would have to bribe me with something I really want.

'How was school Cy' my mother asks me. She's knows I hate school. She just does that to tick me off. 'It was shitty mom' I replied. 'Cyrus you know I don't like it when you swear' my mom sighs. I know, she doesn't like it when I swear but I do anyways just to piss her off. 'I'm going to a basketball game tomorrow and a party the next day' I tell her. 'You didn't even ask but ok. And on Friday be in the house by at least 12 Cyrus. And don't do drugs. And no adult activity with people you barely know' I roll my eyes. 'Yeah Mom I will just go and fuck this super hot guy I met today' she hates my sarcasm. She glared at me in the passenger seat. 'Ok fine I wont. Yet. ' I mumble the last part and lily laughs in the backseat.

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