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~ After School ~
Cyrus pov
Todays school day was partly good. After lunch everything went down hill. I skipped class and refused to go back. My mom had to come and pick me up. I didn't want to tell her why I was acting out. I'm my defense, it wasn't in my control. The truth is, I stopped taking my meds. I cried for hours after school and I was still crying.

'Cy...' my mom called knocking on my door. I sniffed. 'Yeah' my voice was all wobbly.

'How are you doing? What's going on?' She asked. She was worried. She told me to let her know when I stopped taking my meds but I didn't feel like it. 'I just need a break' it came out quieter than I imagined.

'Okay. You don't have to go to school tomorrow. I will call and check in while I'm at work.' She kissed my forehead and left the room, closing the door behind her.

I say in my bed for hours. It was really late, I hadn't checked my phone. I had over 20 messages and missed calls from Tj and Tj only. He was worried. I wipe my face and stand up to put on my converse. I take a black backpack and put some stuff in it: phone charger, small blanket, water bottle, 20 dollars, stuffed animal, headphones.

I left out my window and started my 3 block walk to Tj's house. He was going to kill me when he found out I walked all this way. I walked on my tippy toes and I walked fast. I walked around his house ducking at random windows so I wouldn't get caught. I got to his window and knocked.

'Cyrus! What the- get inside' he said opening the window and pulling me in. I looked a mess. My eyes were red and I had eye bags. My face was stained with tears. He closed the window back with a slam. 'Are you okay?! You left school and you didn't answer my calls' he grasped my face with his hands. Tears just spilled out of my eyes. 'I'm sorry, I just-'.

Tj's arm just wrap around me, I fall into him. His fingers run through the back of my hair. 'Cyrus, what's going on?'.

'I don't know' I just cry even more. 'I'm tired Tj, I need a break.' He just nods. 'You're going to relax' Tj tells me unzipping the jacket I have on, slipping it off my arms. 'Come on' he walks me out of his room.

He takes me outside and we start walking. 'Where are you taking me?' I question. 'Anywhere you want' he replies. 'The park, maybe' I look at him.

We sat on the big patch of open grass and the park. I sat extra close. 'I'm here for you Cyrus' Tj said looking at me. His pinky wraps around mine. 'Thanks you Tj' I sigh with relief when his hand slides into mine. I let my head rest in his shoulder. 'Can I sleep by your house?'

'Does your mother know you're not in your bed right now?' He questions. 'No but, she has work like at 4 in the morning so shell most likely call around 9' he nods.

'Friday too?' I ask. I wanted to stay, I didn't want him to leave my side. 'Yeah...' he says.

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