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Cyrus pov
'Thanks. I had a good time.' Yes, I had a good time. For the first time in years. Tj had taken me to a small cafe a few minutes outside of town. He "forced" me to take instagram pictures. I truely did have a good time with Tj. I wanted to do it again. 'Anytime' he says. Wow, anytime, how about all the time.

'We didn't even start our project' I say, I was speaking quietly, we were still in the car. 'I know. It's not due until the day before our upcoming break' I was surprised that he knew.

'Tj' he looks over at me. 'I uh...never mind'.

'Wanna go inside?'


Once we had gotten to Tj's room he had announced that he was going to shower. I was laying on his bed writing in my journal. Writing helps. In a good way and a bad way. I could feel the tears prickling at the corner of my eyes. I didn't want to cry, especially at Tj's house. I hear footsteps as the tears fall down my face. I raise my hands quickly to wipe them. 'Cyrus? You okay' I stand up.

'Uh yeah' that was a lie. Tj didn't need to see me cry, not today. 'Do you need anything' I did. I need warmth, a hug.

'I mean yeah but uh you know' my voice breaks, shit here comes the waterworks. He just holds his arms open. He embraces me in a hug. My arms are wrapped his necks and my head is on his chest.

'What's wrong' he asks. Fuck I have no clue.

'I don't know' I sob. 'I just need someone right now'.

'Buffy?' I shake my head. 'You'

New Boy - tyrusWhere stories live. Discover now