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Cyrus pov
It was now Wednesday, a few days since I sat in Tj's lap. I had begged my mom to allow Buffy and Andi to come over, she had this dumb rule that no one could be over on school nights unless it was for homework.

'Hey Cyrus' Buffy said as she sits on my bed. I hated when people said my name. I liked nicknames but my friends weren't allowed to call me 'Cy' just yet. I wave. 'So how was it hanging with Tj' she teases.

'Yes! Spill!' Andi says crossing her legs. 'It was nothing. We went to a cafe and half of the time I slept' that was a lie. We did more than that. We talked and talked and talked. He felt like...home. I wanted his hand on my face again. I wanted to look at his green eyes again. My face burned pink.

'Oooo you like him' Andi says. She's right, I do. A smile creeps on my face. 'I've been meaning to ask you two something. Tj and amber invited me to an amusement park. I was wondering if y'all wanted to come?' They nodded quickly and eagerly. I wanted it to be a date. I still could be one.

The girls had to leave before 5:30 because my mom wanted to prep dinner. I understood that because I was hungry as fuck. Sometimes I hate my mom. But deep down inside I love her and I want her to know what's going on in my life. I wanted her to know about my friends and the people I like. 'Hey mom' I say leaning over the counter. The turns her head towards me, 'Yeah Cy, you okay?' I wasn't, it hurt me to know my mom didn't know what was hurting me. 'Mom. I need your full attention, and uh- I hesitate - when I tell you, you have to promise to still love me'.

She walks around the counter and grabs my hands. 'Whatever it is I promise I won't think of you different Cy. Your my son' I liked hearing stuff like that from my mom. 'I'm gay mom'. Wow, I just said that, out loud to my mom. It made me feel...free. Hot tears run down my face. 'You got a boyfriend?' Out of all things she could say, that's what comes out of her mouth. 'Mom! No! I just uh, wanted to tell you because you know we don't talk about me a lot and what's going on or who I like anymore' she smiles and nods.

'I take back my rule for you Cy. You can kiss him when the time is right' I roll my eyes.

'Thanks mom'

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