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An- I'm skipping Friday's day so I can write both chapters. Not that anyone cares but I just cried to a Maya hawke edit realizing she'll never be mine. I know I said that it will be out after 4 but I had homework sorry 😭😭

~ Friday Night ~
Cyrus pov
Tj and I were laying on his bed. His legs were crossed, I laid against with my head on his shoulder. He was scrolling through his instagram. I just looked at him. Admiring his features. His green eyes and his soft smile. 'What' he says a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. It's like he could sense I was looking at him.

'Nothing...' I smile. Hanging with Tj was peaceful. He didn't make me talk about stuff I didn't want to. We could sit there and the silence would be comfortable. 'I don't have anything to wear tomorrow' I tell him. I didn't do it on purpose. It didn't occur to me that I would stay for more than one night.

'I do though' he says. 'Thanks'

~ Saturday ~
Cyrus pov
Tj and I had woke up early. We were planning on being at the fair all day. Well when I say Tj and I woke up early I meant me. Tj was still asleep when I woke up so I just decided to brush my teeth. I wiped over my eyes with a wet cloth when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I scream, 'Tj what the fuck. You scared the hell out of me!' He laughs.

'Sorry, I just thought you would hear me'

'Hi..' I say softly. 'Hi' my face goes red realizing his arms are still wrapped around me. 'Come on I promised Buffy I would call her'.

I sit on the bed first. I pick up my phone and start FaceTiming a groupchat with only me, buffy and Marty. Andi slept by Buffy's house so there was no need to add her. Tj sits right behind me, he leans me back a bit so I'm leaning against him. 'What's wrong?' He whispered. 'What, nothing...' I lie. I was stiff laying against him as the phone rang.

I sigh, 'I'm just- I'm just worried about what my friends will say about me being all up on you like this' i tells him. Yes, they were my friends but I wasn't sure I got their approval.

'They're your friends right?' I nod. 'Than they won't care about us being friends' Tj takes my shoulders in his hands and leans me back against him. Tj was right, they are my friends so they shouldn't and wouldn't care. The phone stops ringing.

'Hey Cyrus' Marty says. His phone is set up and he's picking an outfit for the fair. 'Hi Marty, Hi Buffy and Andi' I say softly. 'You're acting different, who are you with' with the angle of the camera you could only see my face. You couldn't see Tj at all. I pull the phone up to where you could see both of us. 'Kippen' Buffy greets him. 'Driscoll' he replies.

'What are you guys wearing?' Marty questions, what was I wearing? I was thinking jeans and a shirt. 'What are you wearing Cyrus?' Tj asking gripping onto me. 'Well I don't know considering I don't have anything except for a phone charger'. I tell him. Well I did have stuff I wore the other day but that is kind of dirty.

'Why don't you have anything Cyrus?!' Andi asks. 'Because Andi I walked here like two days ago' Andi's eyes go wider than a golf ball.

'You walked there two days ago as in Thursday two day ago, when we were worried you got killed!' Yikes. I forgot all about that. 'Sorry Andi I forgot' she does this mom eye roll and we keep talking.

~ Two Hours Later ~
Cyrus pov
Tj is grabbing his keys while I'm sitting on his trunk swinging my feet. Tj made me wear converse and bring crocs. He said he knows my feet are going to get tired. Even though it's only 20 minutes away he made me triple check I had everything I needed. 'You ready?' He asks raising his eye brows. I nod, hopping off the trunk getting into the front seat, buckling my seatbelt.

The drive was nice. I looked at Tj admiring his smile again and his green eyes. I imagined him and I in a field of flowers. Him wearing a flower crown I made with the Sun reflecting off of his eyes making them shine. I imagined his hand in mine, us laying in the grass. A butterfly landing in my nose.

Buffy and Andi ran towards me, also knocking me down trying to hug me. 'Jeez you guys saw me a few days ago' I laugh. 'We now Cy but-' Andi starts but Buffy cuts her off.

'Andi is just excited' Buffy says with a smile. 'Where's amber Tj?' Andi questions.

'She left way earlier so she somewhere around' Tj tells her. I stand there rocking back and forth on my toes. I had to pee but I also was thirsty. 'What do you guys what to do first?' Marty asks.

'Bathroom!' I said loud enough for Buffy and Andi to laugh. They wait outside the bathrooms for me. 'Ew the bathrooms are like a shit show and it smells like straight up pu-' Andi looks, 'Cyrus!' She says scolding me.

'What I was gonna say piss' I wasn't going to say that but you know, it had to be said. Before anyone could say anything else I was dragging Tj over to the basket ball game so he could win this really big elephant. 'Pleaseeee Tj' I beg.

'Okay!' He laughs and wins it easily, placing the elephant in my arms. I smile. 'Cyrus I have never seen you run before' Marty laughs. 'And you won't ever again unless there is a clown nearby' I don't run unless I need to.

'Aw Marty I want an elephant' Buffy says. 'No you don't Buffy. You're good at basketball you should be winning me stuff' they were weird, but cute.

We played games all night long. We even saw amber a few times before she decided to hang with us, or should I say Andi. I refused to go on any rides, that would be the day everyone would see me cry. It was night and em we had our little blankets out on the grass listening to music and watching the stars. 'I wanna be yours' was playing. 'Thanks for taking me to the fair' I say to Tj who's looking at the flowers growing out the tree.

'Cyrus I gotta tell you-'

'Tj I gotta tell you-' we say at the same time, we both look away blushing. 'Oh I uh I made you this' it was a flower crown. He comes close and places it on my head. If he didn't tell me yet I wasn't going to tell him either. 'Hey Cyrus?'

'Yeah' I look up at him.

'Thanks for being here' his soft lips are own mine. It was just like I imagined. My arms slip around his neck and his go around my waist, pulling me in. Our lips fit together like puzzle pieces. I didn't want it to stop. Our lips move together. Tj Kippen kissed me.

I wanna be yours
I wanna be yours
Wanna be yours
Wanna be yours
Wanna be yours
Wanna be yours
Wanna be yours
Wanna be yours
Wanna be yours

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