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Cyrus pov
The car ride to Tj's house was painfully quiet. It wasn't like I couldn't talk to him, it was I didn't want to. I felt like I was asking him to take me home. I didn't like to ask people for things I wanted or needed. We pulled into Tj's drive way and got out of the car. I winced at the pain of the sun. 'Mom. Cyrus doesn't feel well and his mom isn't home. Is it ok if he stays here until she's home?' He asks walking into the door. 'Of course honey. I will be down here, I have lots of work to do' Tj and his mom exchanged soft smiles. Tj takes me to his room and I immediately plop on his bed.

'My head feels like someone is taking a big ass sledgehammer and pounding my brain' I tell him. It sounds dramatic but it hurts that bad. I might even cry. 'Can you close the curtains?' I ask Tj. He quickly walks over to them and snaps them shut. 'Do you need anything?'

'A nap' I laugh, he sits on the bed.

'Well yeah but like person wise. You know?' I knew. I needed someone close. I needed him. I wanted to sit on his lap again. I wanted his hands to naturally wrap around my waist. 'I uh, I want you to be close again' he moves up the bed and sits next to me. 'This good?' I didn't want to be picky but the simple answer was no.

His lips curl into a smirk, 'Or you wanna be on my lap again?' my face instantly goes red. I nod. He makes a movement and puts me on his lap. Just like I dreamed. My arms go around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist. My forehead touched his, the tips of our noses touched. 'Tj' I breathed. His lips almost brush over mine. Knock knock knock. I look back towards the door. 'Tj! Cyrus! You boys okay?' 'Yes Mom! We're just gonna take a nap' She replies with a simple 'okay'. Tj and I almost kissed. He didn't jump or hesitate when his mom knocked. He was going to kiss me whether she came in or not. 'Cyrus I-' I cut him off.

No need to stress him out about it. We would talk about it some other time or not at all. Anything that was okay with Tj. 'Don't worry about it. When you're ready we'll talk' he smiles, 'And when you're ready, you'll kiss me' I blush. I snuggle my head into his shoulder and close my eyes. 'Cyrus'


You're gonna sleepover this weekend right?' That caught me off guard. What was he talking about. I quickly pop my head up, 'huh' I say.

'Remember I asked you and your to come to the fair with us. That's this weekend' he reminded me. 'Oh! Yeah'

'Mhk, sleep I know your head hurts' he was right my head did hurt. I don't know what me and Tj are but I know we're not just friends but whatever we are, I like it.

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