I'm Real.

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Sophomore year is here. Another year being Spider-Woman.

I walk into my first class, greeting a few of my friends on the way there. I sit down in AP Physics.

Miles walks in and sits down next to me, immediately grabbing his notebook. He's always drawing. Ever since he became Spider-man, he's been drawing non-stop.

He notices me looking at him.

"Hey, I'm Miles." He nods his head and covers his notebook.

"I'm Y/N." I wasn't interested in any conversation with the secret vigilante at the time, so I focused my attention toward the front of the classroom.

He tries to keep the conversation going, "So uh... you like physics?" I watched him from the corner of my eye as he shuffled in his seat.

"It's okay. It's not my favorite." I kept facing toward the front of the room.

"Oh. Well, I'm trying to find a way to travel across dimensions! I think it would be cool to see all sorts of new people."

You mean gwanda?

"Hm. I guess that's cool." At this point, I turned my attention toward Miles since he was so desperate on trying to have a conversation with me.

"You think so? Would you like to travel dimensions?" Miles' eyes had a gleam in them. I guess I was the first person to actually hear him out.

"It would be cool. I would want to travel dimensions and find myself. It would be cool to see how different or alike we were," I played with my fingers.

Miles smiled at me and opened up his notebook, "I always wondered if I existed in other dimensions..." He started drawing in his notebook, like usual.

I looked back toward the front of the classroom. The teacher walked in, and the bell rang.

As I listened to the lecture, I felt Miles tap on my shoulder. He passed a note over to my desk.

Do you know alchemax?

I sighed and wrote back on the note.

Heard of 'em. Didn't they get shut down?

He took the note and began writing again. He slid it over to me.

Yeah. I heard spider-man helped.

So he's flexing now?

I grabbed the paper and wrote my response, secretly rolling my eyes.

Really? You have a spider-crush?

He took the paper back, and his eyes widened. I heard him let out a low chuckle. He slid the paper back at me.

Maybe. What about you?

I took the paper and let out a little scoff.

Wow, his self-esteem is high. And so is his confidence.

Eh. He's okay. Y'know, I heard there's another Spider-Man. A Spider-Woman.

I slid the paper back and quickly looked toward the front of the classroom, trying not to get the teachers attention on me.

He slowly slid the paper back.

Oh really? Is it just your spidersona?

I glared at him and quickly wrote on the paper. I then slid it back.

Believe what you want, but I had a dream about her once.

He looked at me and shrugged, crumbling the paper and shoving it in his bag.

Who Are You? // Miles Morales x Fem!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن