Chapter Twenty-Three

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Owen's POV---

My eyes open slowly, the sun blinding me. Someone's shaking me. My vision won't focus. Where am I?

Joey's frantic face is above me, and I think he's speaking to me.

"Owen!" He says, voice cracking. "Get up, now! We have to go-"

I sit up too fast, my vision beginning to black, but I stand up anyways and my heart rate rises to an unhealthy pace. "Brinley."

Joey and I sprint to the car around the corner and start driving immediately. I only focus on the road. I don't want to think about anything right now. I only need to find Brinley.

I can't believe I couldn't protect her. How could I let her out of my sight? I know better. I know Jonathan lives out here. I know he's searching for her. Regret clings to me. Guilt clings to me.

"How long was I out?" I ask quickly.

"I got up a minute before you. It couldn't have been long," is Joey's reply.

I am driving about twenty over the speed limit, and the least of my worries is getting pulled over right now. I don't know what direction he took. It's a black van. That's what he took her in.

My mind starts to move to what might be happening to her right now and I swerve out of my lane.

"Do you need me to take over?" Joey asks.


"Should we go to the police station?"

"Not yet." I might be able to catch them before we go there.

My reckless driving is far too dangerous. Joey doesn't have to point that out to me. I know I might smash into another car or a building, but I cannot keep my hands steady.

I drive through this town, past it, searching for that black can for hours. It's starting to get dark out before Joey suggests going to the cops again. I reluctantly agree, feeling absolutely sick to my stomach.

I park the car unevenly then jump out of the seat, locking it on my way up the steps of the police station. Joey follows me up to the desk.

"A girl was kidnapped," I say quickly, not able to catch my breath. "Downtown. I was there, tried to fight them off."

"Stay there, I'll go grab someone for you," the woman says hurriedly.

She leaves Joey and I alone for hardly a minute before a middle aged man greets us and leads us away to an office.

"I'm Detective Roster, I need to ask a few questions before we get started with the search," he says.

"Right," I nod.

"What is the girl's name?" Is the first question. He seems in just as much as a rush as we are.

"Brinley Shane," I say.

"The one who lost her memory?"

"Yes," I swallow hard.

"Did that have anything to do with the capture?"


"How old was she?" He asks us.

"Eighteen," I reply, "Nineteen in a month."

"Did you see the vehicle?"

"It was a black van."

"How many people were there?"

"Five, from what I could tell."

"Do you know the person who took her?"

"His name is Jonathan Reanolds."

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