Chapter Three

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Nobody bothers me. I stay in the bathroom the remainder of the day, not wanting to go out and face everyone. I don't want to see Clarin, who just got in a fight for me. I don't want to see the classmates who were taunting me. I don't even want to see my own tear stained face because that'll just remind me of the nightmare I'm stuck in.

Once the bell rings, I pull open the stall door and without taking a glance in the mirror, I walk out into the hallway.

I keep my head down, not wanting to be stopped. I push forward through the crowd of people, towards the main door. I'm almost out the door when someone grabs my wrist. It's a girl I recognize from earlier, her name was Jackie I believe.

"Brinley," she frowns. "I..."

I just look at her, not knowing what to say to her. She was supposedly my very best friend.

"I want you to get better," she says, voice cracking. "I want you to remember. I miss you."

I don't say anything. Her desires, while I feel bad, I have no control over. I can't magically get back my memories because she asked me to nicely. I know this is hard for her, but it's hard for me too. And these reminders from people I can't even recall the faintest memory of aren't helping.

"I have to go," I say, pushing past her quickly, leaving her standing there with her mouth hanging open. I just couldn't take another word.

I don't know where Clarin is. I can't remember where we parked her car let alone what her car looks like. I just start walking down the sidewalk away from the school.

I try to recall the way we got here through the neighborhood. I walk past people and turn down the first road. None of these houses look familiar. Then again, nothing looks familiar.

I wonder, now, if Clarin was sent home because of the fight she got in. It seems like the most likely option.

I take a right down a new street. Kids are playing in one yard. Two girls have sidewalk chalk and are drawing fairies. Three boys are playing catch with a light up ball. The parents sit in chairs watching their children play with smiles on their faces.

Of course, I don't remember my own childhood at the moment. I still have hopes that in a week or two my memories will begin flowing back. That's what the doctor said, at least. I should start remembering things around then.

I take a new turn to the left. Nobody seems to be out now. No cars driving on this road. I turn around and see that I'm alone. I don't know where I am, and I am completely alone.

Panic slowly engulfs me and I press forward in hopes of finding something that sparks recognition in me. I have to find my house.

The next turns I make move me further and further into this neighborhood. I start to breathe heavily, trying to steady myself. I can't panic. I can't panic. Why didn't I just wait at the school? I didn't think this through. Don't panic. Keep walking.

It's apparent that I am completely lost. I stay where I am, looking around hopelessly, and I bite my lip to keep myself from freaking out. A few tears slide down my face.

I drop my bag on the ground, and let out a frustrated breath. There's no point in moving further or I will just end up more lost than I am now. My hands start shaking like they did in class when I panicked.

I don't know what to do.

"Are you lost?"

I look up and see a small black car has pulled up beside me. I shake my head, knowing I shouldn't talk to any strangers or get into their cars. I press forward now, quickly, so I'm not kidnapped here.

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