Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"We need a stretcher, now. Disinfectant wipes, anti-pain medication. This one's losing blood. Check her eyes for signs of concussion."

Before I know it, all the other men are taken into custody by the policemen and the others for the ambulance and rushing us inside. The room is swirling around me. Someone grabs me and carries me all the way to the ambulance. It isn't Owen because I know he's holding my hand beside me.

I'm seated beside Owen inside the ambulance, and Joey's stretcher is rolled inside. The doors close and we begin driving away.

Someone flashes a light in my eyes. When it's retracted, wipes and cloths are pressed to my arm, making me wince in pain. They're telling me to hold on, that this is necessary.

Many people are surrounding Joey, doing who knows what. Owen is getting the same light procedure I did. Then the ambulance stops and we're ushered outside and into a room after the stretcher is rolled out once again.

I'm helped into a bed where they begin giving me a numbing shot in my arm and another gets a bunch of supplies for stitches. As soon as the needle touches my sensitive skin, I let out a shout, arm screaming in pain.

"We're going to have to sedate her," one doctor says to the other.

And the next thing I know a mask's over my face and everything goes dark.


As soon as I wake up, I'm out of the bed. I don't want to keep worrying about myself. I have so much more to worry about. Joey was shot. He could be dead right now.

I leave the room, turning the corner. I find Owen sitting in a chair, head in his hands. Sitting down next to him, I put a hand on his shoulder so he's aware I'm here.

He looks up, seemingly relieved to see me. His eyes look tired and his hair is completely messed up. "Brinley," he sighs, taking my hand. He inspects my upper arm and I do it as well, finding at least twenty stitches up it.

"How's Joey?" I ask cautiously.

He sucks in a deep breath. "He'll be fine. It missed major organs, but he lost a lot of blood. They're replenishing."

I let out a relived sigh. "Good."

We sit here silently for a long time. I don't know what to say. It's apparent that he doesn't either. The silence is comforting.


"He's through surgery fine," the doctor says. "The bullet has been removed. He has lost a lot of blood, and the wound has left some slight issues that will call for regular check-ups. Your friend will be here for a week and a half more."

I crane my neck trying to have a look through the blinds at Joey, and I find two eyes staring back at me. I start, jumping backwards a little. "He's awake."

"So it seems," the doctor nods. "You're free to go inside for a few minutes."

Owen goes in first and I sit right outside the door. I can't express how grateful I am that no permanent issues have occurred. We'll all be okay. That's all I could ask for.

Five minutes go by before Owen returns to the hallway and tells me it's alright to go see him now.

I press open the door slowly, and I don't know why I'm so nervous to see him. Maybe since it's partially my fault he's in here for the first place.

Jory's eyes meet mine and his face breaks into a grin. "Aw, Brin, it's so good to see you alright."

I walk cautiously over to his bed, eyes never leaving his.

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