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The next day, during break time, Taesan was taking his books out of the locker for the periods that would begin after the 15-minute respite. He checked his timetable which was pasted on the door of his locker, then took out his Geography and Health book.

When he closed the locker after having all that he needed, he started walking back towards the classroom. He walked a bit more slowly when he noticed that Leehan, Riwoo and some of the boys from their class were standing a distance away and looking at him. From the looks on their faces, they didn't seem like they were thinking good thoughts about him.

Taesan was about to walk past them when Leehan immediately blocked his way by walking in front of him. Taesan looked at him in surprise, but Leehan did not say a thing.

'Excuse me.' Taesan finally said as a way of getting Leehan to give him space to pass.

'Wow,' Leehan replied in exaggerated shock and laughed. 'You want me to move out of your way? Isn't it obvious if I'm standing in your way it means I have something to say to you?'

Then why don't you say it? Taesan thought to himself, rolling his eyes in his head. But he couldn't say that, it seemed they would get very offended since they already seemed angry with whatever it was. 'Oh...sorry I didn't know you wanted to talk to me.'

There was silence for a while before Riwoo stepped out to him. 'I didn't like you from the moment I saw you. I knew you're such a city boy that you think the rest of us are trashy peasants who aren't worth your time.'

Taesan looked at him in surprise, where was he even getting that from? What sense did it even make? Taesan had never thought he was better than anyone else in the town, it had never crossed his mind and the accusation sounded absurd to say the least.

'Isn't that why you didn't want to sit with us?' Leehan continued, pushing Taesan back with both his two hands on both of Taesan's shoulders. 'Huh city boy?'

Taesan stumbled back, almost dropping his books from the unexpected push. He didn't understand why they seemed to be mad at him for staying out of their business.

'Even if you think you're better than us, you're stuck here.' Another boy stated. 'If I were you, I'd try my best to not get on our bad side.'

'I don't think I'm better than you guys.' Taesan decided to finally speak, holding onto his books just in case they pushed him again. 'I've never been cool in the city, and I come from a family with a humble background. You guys' families could even be better off.' He spoke honestly. Back in the city, he used to blend in at school, there was nothing special about him as compared to all the handsome and rich boys.

'Or you think you're cool because AJ s paying attention to you?' Leehan pushed his shoulder once more.

So, was it what it was about? Amy-Janett? He had already suspected this since the incident in the classroom, now he knew that being around her was a complete bad idea.

'I don't even like AJ and neither does she like me, you shouldn't think that.' He answered lowly, gripping unto his backpack and hoping he would be able to walk to class without this confrontation going further.

The boys looked at each other, some laughing in surprise.

'Oh,' Leehan nodded, crossing his arms. 'You expect us to believe you don't like Amy-Janett? You're so full of yourself that it's amazing.'

Taesan didn't even understand how that was being full of himself. He was simply being honest with them and trying to avoid any trouble. He knew no matter what he said, they would be angry at him. If he said he hand feelings for her, they would probably smack him across the face.

You Don't Know Me ➳ Taesan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now