Hoover Dam/Megatron's Awakening

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Brigham: The Chinese and the Russians are nearing our area of operations in the Western Pacific. We feel like this could get out of hand real fast.

John Keller: But the next couple of hours may just define his presidency.

[A mysterious man with a suit case walks in and to find Keller]

Steve: US and Chinese task forces approaching 100 nautical miles of cruise missile range.

John Keller: Tell the strike group commander that he's not to engage unless fired on first.

Steve: Yes sir!

Tom Banachek: Mr. Secretary? Tom Banachek. I'm with Sector Seven, Advanced Research Division.

John Keller: Never heard of it. I'm a little busy, Tom. I think you can see that.

[Every computer in the room begins to go static as the officers try to figure out what is going on]

NSA Guy #6: What's going on here?

NSA Guy #7: I don't know.

John Keller: Sit rep! Talk to me!

Sit rep: The whole room's gone down, sir.

John Keller: I can see that!

NSA Guy #5: The virus was coded to shut us down.

NAS Guy #8: General?

Tom Banachek: I'll take a seat.

John Keller: What do you mean, "shut us down"?

Sit Rep: They used our network to spread out to the whole world. The blackout's global. We have no communications, satellite and land lines are dead.

John Keller: You mean to tell me that I cannot pick up this telephone and call my family?

[Keller tries the phone and his cellphone but nothing was working as he gets irritated]

Tom Banachek: Mr. Secretary? I'm here under direct order from the President. You really need to see what I have in the case.

[Banachek opens the case and pulls out top secret files, photo and a hard drive. he puts in the hard drive in his laptop.]

Tom Banachek: You'll have to accept that there are certain things you won't understand right away. Sector Seven is a special-access division of the government convened in secret under President Hoover 80 years ago. You may remember NASA JPL lost the Beagle 2 Mars Rover. We told them to report the mission a complete failure. It wasn't. Beagle 2 transmitted 13 seconds. This was classified above top secret.

[Banachek shows a recorded video of the beagle 2 scout on mars until a mysterious large robot smashes it]

People on the radio on the video: EDA ended at 170 hours, 48 minutes.

Tom Banachek: More than just a pile of Martian rocks. This is the image from Mars. Here's the image your Special Ops team was able to retrieve from the base attack. We believe they are of the same exoskeletal type, and obviously not Russian or North Korean.

John Keller: Are we talking about an invasion?

Tom Banachek: We intercepted the message from your Special Ops team. These things can be hurt by our weapons and now they know it. That's why the virus shut us down, so we can't coordinate against their next attack, which I would bet my ridiculous government salary is coming soon.

John Keller: Get word to our fleet commanders over the National Guard frequency. It's a shortwave radio channel. It might be still working. Tell them to turn their ships around and come home. ASAP! And inform all commands to prepare for imminent attack.

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