London Chase/Cogman Cooks Dinner

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[The TRF Drone suddenly located Michael and Cade's location at Burton's castle]

TRF Drone Controller: TRF, surround the castle and lock it down.

[The TRF SUVs and MI6 police cars are arriving at the castle]

Cogman: MI6 and TRF are here!

Burton: Let's go! Move! Cogman, get me to London.

[The humans started walking out of the castle].

Burton: The decoy car is ready?

Cogman: Ready along. [He transfotms into the silver Aston Martin DB11 to let Burton inside]

[The TRF and MI6 arrived at the entrance]

[The Autobots came out of the castle]

Hot Rod: Hurry! Move! Quick, quick, quick!

[Bumblebee, Jazz and Ironhide transforms into their alt modes]

Michael: Get us out of here Autobots.

Hot Rod: Get out of here! [Pulls out his Time Gun] My new weapon will atop the time! [He blasts the Time Gun at the TRF and MI6 humans they start slowing down in a time bubble.]

Sideswipe: Man, Einstein would have been ticked pink. We're clear now.

[Sideswipe and Hot Rod both transformed in their alt modes as the whole Autobot team starts driving away].


[In a USS Aircraft Carrier we see Lennox in a helicopter recently landed]

TRF Pilot: Inbound helos. You are clear to land.

TRF Airship Guy #1: Colonel Lennox just hit the deck.

TRF Airship Guy #2: UK TRF, got a hit.

Santos: This is Santos. Team Leader USA. What you got?


[Bumblebee, Ironhide and Jazz arrived at London]


TRF Tech: Possible Autobots match. In London. [Surveilance camera spots Bumblebee, Ironhide and Jazz driving by].


TRF Pilot: TRF Airship, on the way.

[TRF SUVs and MI6 cars are following the Autobots' trails.]


Santos: It's a mess. They're running. MI6, they're all on 'em.


[Meanwhile with Cogman and Burton.]

Burton: (Picks up the call) Yeah?

Simmons: (Through the phone) I got a call from a very irate janitor at Trinity Libary, you are late.

Burton: We are as they say were in a bit of a pickle.

Simmons: (Through the phone) (Removes his sunglasses) Do not mess with me at this moment! It's hot and I am on a short fuse.

[The Autobots arrive at Viviane's house as Cade and Viviane gets out of Bumblebee and Michael and Haruka gets out of Jazz]

Cade: Meets us back around Autobots.

Jazz: 10-4.

[Then Bumblebee, Ironhide and Jazz leaves]

Brains: Better hurry guys. TRF are lot looking happy.

[They went inside to see four women who are Viviane's family as Viviane and Haruka introduced Michael and Cade to them while Viviane changes clothes]

Burton: Come on! Come on! Answer me. Come on!

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