I don't regret the day I left, I don't believe that I was blessed

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A/N: Can someone please, please, PLEASE make a brocedes edit with the song "empty space" by James Arthur!?  That song is sooooooooo brocedes coded it's not even funny!!!

Christian didn't tell him anything. Just told Max to focus on the upcoming race. He didn't want a repeat of 2021, did he?

Max texted Daniel, hassling him that Christian liked him better - which isn't the case of course - because he didn't want to tell him anything. He could practically hear Danirl's answering laugh, even if it was just a typed out "hahahahaha" on his screeen.

Huffing, realizing Daniel nor Christian were going to budge, he went on to question the rest of the team. Of course Checo too.

"Hey man," Max caught up with his team mate when he saw him walking towards the redbull garage. "Can I ask you something?"

"Hey," Checo greeted him back, a curious look on his face. "Sure, go for it."

"Do you know what Daniel's up to?"

Sergio's brows knitted together a little, "Right now or in general?"

"Uh....in general?"

"Isn't he always up to something?" Checo couldn't help but smile a little. "Anything specific?"

"Him and Christian seem to be having some kind of secret going on---" it was clear he didn't like not knowing. At all. "Do you know anything?"

"If it's a secret then how would I know about it?"

He had a point. "I know, but ---"

He was fuly ready to keep on asking more questions, but they'd walked into the garage without Max really realizing he had, until he saw them. The three men huddled together. Christian, Helmut and Daniel. Max looked over at Checo, but he really didn't seem as bothered as him.

"Max!" Christian's voice pulled the Dutchman from his thoughts. "Stop harassing Checo and get to your side of the garage."

Checo chuckled at Max's offended look, but Max was too distracted by Daniel's grin. Max sent a glare in the three men's direction, saying a quick bye to Checo before scurrying off in the other direction.

It's a few moments later that he feels a presence at his side. He doesn't even have to turn his head to know who it is.

"Sorry Maxy," and damn that amused tone in that damned man's voice. "You'll find out soon enough."

He gets an eyeroll in return and an unimpressed snort.

"Don't be mad. You're much cuter when you smile."

Max turns his head away, pulling his cap down a little as if it would hide his face. Another laugh fills his ear before he feels rather than sees the solid presence next to him disappear from his side.

Damn that stupid man....

Nico's making his way through the paddock, his head down, stuck into some papers, mumbling to himself a little. He loves and hates his job at the same time.

He'd chosen to do it for a reason. A reason he'd never admit to out in the open. A reason he didn't... Couldn't let himself think about. So, here he was. Still traveling behind the people he used to work with. He used to be friends with.......

Okay stop. Just stop it there.

He's so lost in reading that he's not really paying attention to where he's going. A little bark is all the warning he gets before he feels something rub against his legs, something running in between them, and he stops walking before he does something stupid and stumble and fall. He looks down at his feet and feels himself swallow.

"Roscoe," he murmurs and crouches down to pet him. He thinks he's never had a more enthusiastic greeting from anyone before. "hey buddy. How're you doing, huh?"

He gets answered with a grunt and then he has to pull back a bit because the little rascal is trying to lick his face. As happy as he is to see the dog, there's also a sinking feeling in his stomach, because wherever Roscoe is, someone else is never too far off - - -

"Sorry. He got away from me for a moment."

Yep. There he was. The man himself.

Nico looks up and is met with shifty looking brown eyes. "it's okay. It's nice to see him again."

He gets a small smile in return, but it doesn't reach his eyes, but that's no surprise really. Not to Nico.

"He looks pretty happy to see you too," a tattooed hand gestures towards his dog, who's still trying fiercely to lick the blonde's face. "Roscoe, that's enough."

Nico gently pushed the dog away and got up from his crouched position, straightening himself up. Roscoe admitted defeat but stayed against Nico's leg.

"It's okay, really." He fixed the papers in his hands, just to give himself something to do. "So....home race, huh?"

Lewis nodded, "Yeah. For George too. You can imagine how Toto is right now."

Nico gave a little wince. Oh yeah, he could definitely imagine. "Has he made you sign the new contract yet?"

Lewis raised an eyebrow, "you know about that?" Well he's a reporter, of course he would know. "No. Not yet. We're still...negotiating."

Nico gave an understanding nod, "Well, he'd be stupid to let you go."

And that was --- too much? Had he fucked up? He really couldn't read the look on the Brit's face. Maybe because he was hiding his eyes behind sunglasses again.

Lewis opens and closes his mouth a few times, just a small opening of the mouth though, trying not to make it too obvious that he's lost for words. Luckily he doesn't have to ponder on words too long because he hears his name coming from the Mercedes garage and he looks over, seeing one of the team waving him over. He's one of the newer team members so he knows Nico doesn't really know him. It's all the better for him to get away.

"Sorry, but I have to go." He's already clicking his fingers at Roscoe, but his dog doesn't seem in the mood to move. "Roscoe. Come on boy." Roscoe looks up at him and snorts. Traitor.

Nico chuckles, leaning forward to pet Roscoe one last time. "Don't make him get mad at you." He raises an eyebrow at the dog and as if he understands, Roscoe gets up and moves towards Lewis.

Once again, the Brit is rendered speechless. He settles on giving his former teammate a half smile, "Thanks."

Nico just waves him off. He receives one last nod from the other man before he and his loyal fourlegged friend make their way over to their workplace. His eyes follow them all the way there, until they disappear from sight.

Not once did the brown eyed man look back over his shoulder.

Lovely to sit between comfort and chaosOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara