Our every moment, I start to replace

497 22 4

It was annoying. So, so freaking annoying how much it bothered him that Lewis couldn't say his name.

'I had so many teammates'

Fuck that. It wasn't fair. He should have been the first one coming to his mind. Should have been the first name that rolled off his tongue.

He was --- no is --- and always will be Lewis' strongest teammate. They didn't call their rivalry 'the silver war' for no reason.

And then Lewis just 'forgot'? Bullshit.

Biggest bullshit he ever heard.

Of course they asked him about it on the paddock in an interview for Sky. They always asked him things related to Lewis.

He tried to act all casual, but he knew some people would notice that he was actually offended. Hurt even. But he wouldn't admit that.

He tried to get his mind off of it, but nothing seemed to be working. Especially not when Jenson kept giving him these looks he didn't even want to identify the meaning of.

He left the paddock and went to his hotel room, taking out his phone.

If he couldn't forget about it, he might as well just talk about it.

Being forgotten sucks

I agree

But what do you mean?

Who forgot about you?

An old friend

Were you supposed to meet up and he forgot?

Something like that

I don't know why I let it bother me

That's not cool

That he forgot I mean

I think he forgot everything about me

I don't think that

I don't even think it's possible to forget about you


Still the truth


I knew I texted the right person

Are you okay now?

Yeah. I'm good

How are you?

I'm alright

Now don't sound too excited


No, I'm good man

I swear


I'm glad

Can we talk more later?

I kind of have to be somewhere

Yeah of course

Talk to you later

It was honestly ridiculous how much better he felt after texting with Louis.

Lovely to sit between comfort and chaosWhere stories live. Discover now