I'm alone in my head, looking for love in a stranger's bed

536 21 7

It's Sunday night, maybe already early Monday morning but who's watching the time, when it all comes crashing down for Lewis.

It's Britain, so of course he has to go out after the race. They don't have a race for two weeks now, so why not lead the break in by completely letting go.

He drinks and he dances and drinks some more. Watching couples dance and grind together. He really can(t get drunk enough.

And then he's there. This blond twink with a sharp jawline, longish hair, beautiful blue piercing eyes. Lewis can't help but be gravitated towards him. His legs just lead him there.

The boy doesn't move away when he starts grindiing against him; nor when he wraps his fingers around the other's wrist, guiding him towards the bar's restroom in the back.

He practically pushes the boy into a stall and locks it behind himself.

It's frantic and rushed, too sloppy kisses and hands touching too hard or too soft. It's not with the person he wants it to be with.

It's ending with a whispered name, which is probably so far from the other's real name, but Lewis can't help it. He doesn't even know this twink's name.

The boy takes it in stride though and says nothing. He straightens out his clothes after he pulls away, leaving the stall first, giving Lewis a moment on his own.

Lewis locks the door again and drops down on the toiletseat, dropping his head in his hands.

"Fuck....Fuck, fuck, FUCK!"

Why.....why did he always infiltrate his mind again?! Why now? Why couldn't he just accept that he was never his.

He never was. Never will be.

They're not even friends anymore.

They're nothing.

They'll never be anything anymore.

Then why.......

Why did he still have hope.

Lovely to sit between comfort and chaosWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu