Shadows fill an empty heart

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It's the last week of summer break when the news hits....

Nico Rosberg and Vivian Sibold have filed for divorce.

The news is everywhere so the media is having a field day.

It's something no one had been expecting at all. Least of all Lewis.

The first thing he thinks is, 'this must be some sick joke', but there are pictures from paparazzi of Nico and Vivian leaving a court room and it honestly feels like a punch in the gut.

Nico was getting a divorce and he didn't tell him?!

But then it hits him once again --- they don't do this anymore.

They barely even talk.

It stings. It really stings a lot.

A voice inside of him is literally screaming at him to go to his old friend's apartment to check up on him. They're literally in the same building.

But then another voice is telling him it's not a good idea... They're not friends. They're not anything anymore.

His thoughts are interrupted by a bark and he looks down at Roscoe who's clearly trying to tell him something.

Or he just really needs to pee.

Anyway, he feels like the walls are trapping him in, so, he needs to get out anyway. He takes Roscoe's leash and decides to go on a walk with him.

It's a nice walk and he's able to clear his head a little. Though a certain divorce is still at the back of his mind. He can't help it.

Once he gets back, downstairs in the hallway is where he gets confronted once again. By the man who's the main character of that thing in the back of his mind.

Lewis watches him struggle with the grocery bags he's holding, his keys and pressing the elevator button.

Watching him suffer before he steps forward, after Roscoe gave a little nudge at his leash, Lewis ends up pressing the button.

Nico startles when he feels a presence behind him, then sees a hand that isn't his press the button to call the elevator. He turns his head and feels his breath catch in his throat a little.

"Oh. Hi."

Lewis tries to smile, but knows its probably ending up as a grimace. "Hey."

Of course the little traitor, also known as Roscoe, is way more enthusiastic and barks up at Nico, begging to be petted. Nico's smile at the dog is almost infectuous.

"Hey boy. So good to see you again." Nico had crouched down to pet Rocoe and give him some belly rubs.

Lewis just stood there, quite uncomfortably, until he cleared his throat. "Soooo....I heard the news."

Nico seemed to tense up as he kept on petting Roscoe, just to avoid having to look up at Lewis.

"Oh did you?"

Lewis didn't know what to make of that tone in the other's voice, "yeah, so.... Are you moving out?"

"you'd like that, wouldn't you." Nico muttered under his breath, forcing himself to get back up on his feet. "No. She is, actually. She's already taken some of her stuff out."

"Oh," Lewis honestly didn't know what to say... "I'm so---"

"I don't need your pity," Nico snapped. "Especially not when it's fake."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh come on, Lewis." Anger had taken over. "You barely talk to me or even look at me and now you're supposed to feel sorry for me? Give me a break."

Lovely to sit between comfort and chaosOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora