It's fucked up, but I'm falling. I feel it every day now

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If they thought Singapore was bad, it was nothing compared to Qatar.

The circumstances were less than ideal, and that was an understatement.

As much as Max missed Daniel, he envied him just a little bit for not having to drive in this heat.

The sprint wasn't exactly what he expected. Nor was the qualification.

The race itself was just carnage.

A lot of his fellow racers had ended up in the medical centre, which honestly shouldn't have happened at all.

But he won and that was important too.

After the podium and the team celebrations, he finally remembered to ask back his phone.

Seemed like it had been blowing up with messages.

He was fine. Probably better than most of the drivers. But apparently people had still been worried about him.

One message in particular caught his eye.

A simple 'call me when you can'. It made him stop reading all other messages and press the call button maybe a little too quickly.

"Maxy. You're okay."

"I'm fine, Dan." Max couldn't help but feel a little warm inside. Daniel had been worried about him.

"I couldn't watch the race, but I heard things - - - I just hoped you didn't end up with the medics too."

"I'm one of the lucky ones. It was hard though."

"There's nothing you can't do, is there." Was that pride in the older man's voice? "3 times world champ. Congrats again, by the way. "

"Thanks Daniel," He smiles, now really feeling like he can do anything he wants, because it's coming from Daniel. But there's one question burning on his tongue. "Are you gonna be back in Austin?"

He knows how much Daniel loves Austin. From the beard to the forced accent to the country boots and the country songs. It would be such a shame if he couldn't be there.....

"I don't know if I should tell you...."

"Oh come on, Dan."

Daniel chuckled, "I'll be back..." a dramatic pause. "in the car."

"Yes!" Max surprised even himself a little bit with his excitement. "It will be great to have you back on the grid. And the paddock."

"I'm trying not to expect too much of it. But I'm excited!"

"As you should be. You'll do great. I know you will." He looked up when he heard someone call his name and saw Christian wave at him." Ugh. I have to go, Dan. "

" It's okay, Maxy. You'll see me in 2 weeks."

"Yeah." It's almost getting too emotional, so Max has to crack a joke. It's what they do. "Please don't break any other bones in the meantime."

It has the desired effect, because Daniel laughs.

"I'll try my best. Bye Max."


They both hang up almost at the same time. Both smiling at their phones even if neither one of them can see it.

It's happening again....

That's the first thing that pops up into Nico's mind when he sees the two Mercedes' crash.

He can feel Mark and Jenson's eyes on him, once again, but he's too focused on the screen.. He has to see the replay.

Lovely to sit between comfort and chaosWhere stories live. Discover now