With You By My Side, I Will Fight And Defend

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The race was over. First place for Max again. But Daniel was extremely happy for Lando as well. Since they'd been  teammates they've been great friends too.

Of course there'd been that 'incident' with the hopping ball thing, but that wasn't meant in a bad way and they both knew that. 

He gave both of them a big hug and ruffled up their hair in congratulations. Then invited them both to go party. It was time to celebrate his birthday, finally. 

After inviting the two best friends, his two best friends, he rallied up the rest of the drivers in a big group text. And Michael of course. He actually debates on inviting Christian too, but then thinks the better of it and doesn't inform him. 

It actually feels great to be able to relax again. Especially for the drivers. As much as he's itching to be back on the grid - and boy, is he itching - ; he also knows how stressful it is. It's nice to have two weeks off. More like one week and a half, but who's counting? 

Now it's time to let loose. And that's exactly what they do. Practically all of them being up on the dance floor, except for a few who just stay at the bar. 

Max is just ordering a new drink when Daniel comes up to him. 

"Dance with me, Max."

How can he say no to those puppy eyes? His new drink left forgotten, he lets Daniel take his hand and tug him to the dance floor.

He's once again surprised by how much rhythm Daniel actually has as his body just floats with the beat of the music. He himself just moves a little, but it probably looks as awkward as it feels. 

Then there's Daniel's hand on his waist, guiding him. It goes easier with the older man's guidance. He even gets lost in the music a little, just like his dance partner. 

The night is going all great and everyone seems to be having fun. 

Until Daniel excuses himself to go to the toilet. 


He's just washed his hands, coming out of the toilets, and walking back towards his friends when someone barges into him, shoulder against shoulder, not kind at all. 

He wasn't going to say anything. He really wasn't. Until those words came out of the stranger's mouth. 

"Watch where you're going. Faggot." 

"What was that, mate?"

"You heard me. And I'm not your mate. Fag."


Never in his life did Daniel have to deal with this. He'd never came out for his sexuality, whatever it was. He never felt the need to put a label on it. He'd never felt the need to explain how he lived his life.

Still, he bit his tongue. Turned around to walk away.


That was the last straw.

"Yeah I'm sure I've had more pussy in my life then you, mate." Daniel turned back around towards the other.

"I told you not to call me mate, fag!"

Daniel saw the man coming at him, ready to strike. He was ready to duck and defend himself, but suddenly there was someone in between them, pushing the other man viciously.

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