What can I give that is all for you? My heart's no good 'cause it's split in two

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Austin wasn't as good as Daniel had hoped it would be.

Maybe he put too much pressure on himself because it was his first race back, but he put so much time on the sim.... He really expected to do better.

On paper it was great, but, qualifying and the race itself weren't.

There were good things to take away from it too, but, he was a competitive athlete. Competitive athletes weren't satisfied when they didn't live up to their own expectations.

The team said he did his best. That he did well, considering.

It wasn't enough. He was still beating himself up over it.

Lando had tried to ask him to go out with him so he could clear his head. Forget about the stupid race. He politely declined.

Lando had shot him a worried look, but after Daniel assured him he was okay, he left him alone.

That's all the Australian wanted anyway. Some time on his own until the frustrations had completely worn off.

But it seems like they didn't even grant him that wish.

He'd gone back to his hotel room to have an evening of peace and quiet, but the evening had barely started or there was a knock on his door.

That familiar knock he knew by heart.

Damn Red Bull and Alpha Tauri sharing a hotel, just like they shared almost everything else.

He hesitates, but only for a second. He knows he can't leave the person on the other side of the door. Not this guy.

He opens the door and immediately gets pushed inside his own room.

"Stop this. Right now."

"Max? Wha---"

"Stop blaming yourself for what happened on the track. You did so well! It's your first race back. Don't push yourself too hard just yet. You're an amazing driver and nothing will ever change that."

Daniel's confusion shifts into a grin .

"You came all the way to my room to tell me I'm an amazing driver? Thanks Maxy. But I already know that."

Max gapes at him, then snorts and slaps his chest.

"I hate you."

"Love you too, mate." his face softens a little bit. "Thank you. You know I needed that."

Max's smile is soft and genuine. It's the smile he always gets on his face when he's around Daniel.

"How's your hand? Does it feel okay?"

Automatically Daniel feels himself flex his fingers on his left hand.

"I can't completely close it into a fist, but I think it's okay. It doesn't hurt."

He can see Max's gaze go over to his hand. He wonders idly if he'd hold it, because it looks like he wants to, but he holds back from doing it.

"That's good," Max nods, ripping his eyes away from the other's hand. "As long as it doesn't hurt."

"Congrats to you again, btw. Dutch lion still breaking records."

Max fiddles with his cap, "Thanks. Breaking records is better than breaking bones."

Daniel snorts, then pulls Max into a hug. He feels the boy go tense for a moment before he can feel him relax. His chin fitting into that space between Daniel's neck and shoulder so perfectly.

Lovely to sit between comfort and chaosWhere stories live. Discover now