The day you slipped away Was the day I found it won't be the same

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Max hates Singapore. No, he really really does.

The only slightly fun thing about Singapore were the challenges with Daniel and he doesn't even have those anymore.

Checo is nice and fun, but not funny, and they don't even do those word games together anymore it seems.

Daniel is there, he knows he is, but for some reason they're trying to not let them meet. It's beyond frustrating.

He doesn't get it. Doesn't get it that Christian keeps on either holing him up in his driver's room or tries to keep him busy with talks about the car.

He's tried to catch Daniel's eye from time to time, but, not even that is working.

He sees Daniel ha56nging out with Yuki and Liam, which is normal, but all it does is make him feel nostalgic.

Free practice doesn't go well. None of the 3. He doesn't know, nor care, which one went the best and which one the worst.

He's been driving pretty recklessly because he's frustrated and doesn't even care. He's just trying to push the car, as shitty as it is right now.

He just undergoes everything. All the interviews, the talks with the mechanics.

He storms off after qualifying 11th because it's just not good enough.

He wants to be the best and that's simply not happening right now.

Not talking to anyone, and they all know better than to stop him and try to talk when he's like this, he storms into his driver's room and slams the door.

He doesn't know how long he's been pacing up and down the small room, might be minutes or even hours, when there's a knock on the door.

He knows that knock. Knows it oh so well because he came up with it together with the person on the other side of said door.

That's the only reason why he opens the door, because he knows who it is, and he just needs to see him.

"Dan..." He almost whispers when the person is revealed and feels strong arms wrap around him. Feels himself being pushed, gently, back into the room and lets it happen. "Where have you been?" he murmurs against his neck.

"I'm sorry I didn't come talk to you sooner," Daniel whispers back. "I just wanted to give you some time."

Max nods quietly, then pulls back and breaks away from the hug, giving the other man a small smile.

"The car's shit," well, he never was good at small talk, nor at sugarcoating things. "Seriously, Dan. They've never been worse."

"I noticed," Daniel sighs, going to sit down. "A lot of adjustments will have to be made."

Max deflates a little, "This just.... Won't be my weekend. Nor my race."

"What's that?" Daniel sits up a little and pulls a funny face. "Was that an alien taking over your body? That can't be Max Verstappen talking."

Max snorts and swats at him with a pillow. "Shut up."

Fact is that Daniel knows. He knows how insecure Max can actually get at times. The good thing about that is that now he knows what to do when Max is like this.

"Honestly though. You'll be fine, Max. You'll still get some points. Just drive as best as you can. That's all you can do. Christian won't be mad at you." He paused, "And nobody cares what your dad will think. Neither should you. You're so much better than he'll ever realize."

And there it was. That smile that lit up his face. The smile Daniel was waiting for.

"Thanks Dan."

Daniel smiled, stood up, "You good now?"

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