Why can't we make this darkness feel like home?

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He was nervous. He really didn't want to be, but it was probably inevitable. It was his first race in a long while.

And first they had to do the interviews. Luckily he was in the group with Max, which always meant they could have some fun.

Then there was Oscar, his fellow Australian, and Pierre and Carlos, who both seemed to be in quite a sour mood. He knew something had happened to them since their last race, the one he wasn't in yet, but he wasn't gonna get involved in it.

He was welcomed back graciously, but on the first question directly towards him, it already went wrong. Of course it had to be Crofty, asking him something about going back to your ex isn't a good thing and he was already trying to find a way in his head how to answer, when....

"Do you have experience with that?"

Daniel's head turned a little and his eyes were immediately on Max, who's eyes were firy, aimed at Crofty. Then he laughed when Crofty said no and played it off as banter, his eyes softening when they landed on Daniel.

Oh Max. Always protective over Daniel. Always having his back.

It made Daniel feel all warm inside, but he decided not to dwell on that.

The rest of the interview went pretty well. He'd even managed to make Pierre and Carlos smile a little. He should give himself a pat on the back for that.

After the interview, Daniel and Max seemed to gravitate towards each other once again. Just as usual. But it was nice, because they both always seemed to have a calming effect on each other. Some sort of grounded feeling.

Daniel rested his hand on the small of Max's back as they walked down the stairs. Max grinning at the other as they both couldn't stop talking and laughing about the interview.

His race wasn't too bad, but could have been better. At least he got to finish and wasn't last.

He was just glad to be back on the grid and have this amazing experience again.

Oh and the "I never wanted him to leave," was stuck in his mind too. Even if he didn't want to dwell on that either.

It was so incredibly infuriating. He started out on pole, then why couldn't he just win?

Why couldn't he even get on the stage?

Was it really that damn curse everyone seemed to be going on about?

So yeah, Nico (apparently) still supported him. Great. Kudos to him. Not that he kept up with anything Nico did, but he'd heard stuff.

But did he really have to go and take a selfie in front of his garage? Wasn't that pushing it a bit too much?

And why in hell's name did everything always have to be about, or have something to do with, Nico fucking Rosberg.

He played with his phone in his hands, debating to text him or not. What good would it do? They'd only argue.... Or he wouldn't get a response at all.

He didn't like either of those possibilities.

He put down his 'work phone' and checked his personal phone instead. Somehow he found himself hovering over that one name again.

He hadn't texted him since that one weak point he had.

It wouldn't hurt to reach out to him again, right?

To: Nikolas

Sorry to bother you again

From: Nikolas

Lovely to sit between comfort and chaosWhere stories live. Discover now