And watch the world chasing to find us. Both of us hidden from view.

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Lewis came out of the bathroom after his shower and plopped himself down onto his bed, making himself comfortable.

He put the T.V. on, mostly for background noise and grabbed his phone.

I'm back

Hi back

I'm still here


Did you really just dad joke me?

I couldn't help myself

Don't make me start regretting ever answering your text

I hope you won't

So far so good ;)

Just no dad jokes. Got it.

You learn fast

Are you feeling better?

A little

Got to run off a bit of frustration

That's good

I'm glad

You doing okay?

I don't know


Talk to me

I feel like I'm getting lost in my head again

Did something happen?

Not really



I'm not a mind reader

I miss my best friend

You could call them

I can't


Oh no

They aren't - - -

He's still alive

I just... Lost him along the road of life


That sucks, man

I still think of him as my best friend

Deep in my heart

He probably feels the same way about you

I'm not so sure about that

But thanks

Why aren't you sure about it?

We had a major fall out

Probably mostly my fault

Any chance of making up?

I don't know

Lovely to sit between comfort and chaosWhere stories live. Discover now