It's buried in my soul like California gold

380 21 19

In Mexico, Daniel has the best comeback ever.

It's so like him to be better in his second race than his first too.

If it wasn't for the flag, he could have done even better.

To show he's back, he fools around with Lando, interrupting his interview.

He knows he doesn't mind.

He kind of has a feeling it was between him and the young Brit for the driver of the day challenge, but Lando truly deserves it.

Lando told Buxton the overtake on Daniel was his favorite. They all know it's because an overtake of the honey badger isn't easy.

Even Nico Rosberg told the world Daniel was the worst to see in your mirror and the worst to drive behind. The biggest compliments for an f1 driver.

He did his duties in the media pen, then answered a few messages on his phone, then made his way to the Alpha Tauri hospitality.

"Is Max still here?" he asked his PA.

"I don't know."

Daniel hums. He knows Max is usually one of the first to leave, but when he walks into the hospitality, he spots him, standing at the front desk.

The smile on Max's face is the one he only gets around Daniel. It radiates pure joy and affection. Something Max rarely shows.

"Daniel!" His voice floats over, they're already making their way over to each other. "Well done, mate!"

Daniel can tell how proud the Dutchman is of him. It only makes him smile even wider.

Like the magnetic pull they have, they just open their arms and hug each other.

They know by now exactly the right way in which they like to be hugged.

"Thanks Maxie," he murmurs, "It felt good."

"You would have done even better if it wasn't for that flag."

Daniel laughs and pulls back. Of course Max would think the same way as him.

"Yeah. But I'm still happy."

"As you should!"

"Wanna go grab a drink? Something to eat?"

Max's smile could probably light up the darkest rooms. It always looked like that when he was around Daniel.

"Of course. Let's go."

Daniel grinned, draping his arm over Max's shoulder.

"Shower first, Maxy. And unlike you, I like to get dressed in some normal clothes sometimes."

The blush on Max's face was so worth the little dig.

Second. He came in second. He was back on the podium.

But Nico wasn't there to do the podium interviews.

Maybe for the best. He still didn't know how to act around him most of the time.

He shouldn't even be thinking about him right now, but sometimes, the blond just slipped into his thoughts.

To stop himself from starting to think about it all too much again, he took his personal phone and scrolled through things a little.

Of course he landed on his conversation with Nikolas.

Something always brought him back to him.



You busy?


For you? Never

What's up?


I have a break from work coming up next week






And you're telling me because...


Are you always this thick or are you playing with me?


I just want to see you say it :)



Let's meet up somewhere?

Maybe we're somewhere near....



Let's do that

Lewis put his phone down and stared up at the ceiling with a smile on his face.

They were gonna meet up. Maybe.

Let's just hope they(d be close enough to each other next week.

He hadn't felt this excited about a possible meeting with someone in ages.

Hell, he felt even more excited about this than about racing.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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